Tag Archive for vietnam

The Player (1992)

what an absurd conversation about film and vietnamese people and their connection to apples. unfortunately, a wonderful author passed away – ursula k. le guin. caleb goes on another good mythical morning tangent about food, spawned by an aldi trip involving orange soda. rafe is super interested in doing isagenix so she and caleb bicker about it. they talk a LOT about food, so hopefully you guys are interested in cooking and recipes and shit. they watched bruce willis in the player and did songs about playing. next week, they’ll be watching bruce willis in loaded weapon 1. caleb will be doing songs about loads and rafe is weapons. don’t forget to TAP THAT LIKE BUTTON on rafe hates caleb on facebook and follow @rafehatescaleb on twitter to stay in the loop with all their shenanigans. you can also watch caleb play games sometimes on twitch.

originally recorded January 23, 2018