Walking with Dinosaurs

cravings, cat food, and dating your parents start off this great episode. caleb remembers a song about colorful buses. rafe and caleb try to not be complete cynical assholes all the time. also talk of assholes. also gunnar optiks and five nights at freddy’s. and what could come out of a vagina? rafe and caleb discuss. they talk about buying unnecessary things, and also beating meat. rafe finds a new subreddit called madlads and she’s in love. speaking of in love, jake stormoen is going to be in a new show called extinct. caleb regales rafe with his trip to pennsylvania, mostly related to drinking, horrible street performers, and food. caleb’s a broken old man so rafe tries to help him stretch. caleb ruins the adventures milo and otis by talking about animal abuse. they go through walking with dinosaurs (not in 3D) and did songs about dinosaurs and walking. next week, justin long will be in a movie with adam johnson!!! in veronica mars. songs next week will be about crime solving. don’t forget to like rafe hates caleb on facebook and follow @rafehatescaleb on twitter to stay in the loop with all their shenanigans.

originally recorded September 13, 2016

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