Tag Archive for pokemon

Four Eyes Not Found

games, a little bit of political corner, complaining about healthcare, and caleb saw much ado about nothing! speaking of shakespeare, we’re still completing the weekly insults. enjoy!
don’t forget to back mythica: stormbound. you can back it on kickstarter RIGHT NOW: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/arrowstorm/mythica-stormbound

rafe’s high-low
high: affiliate stream
low: soda stabbing

caleb’s high-low
high: coffee
low: funky

– will space exploration be available to all of us, or just obnoxious, excessively wealthy man-children?
– when do you give up hope on a trainee, and is it after the second time you have to tell them “please write using complete sentences, yes that includes capitalizing the start of the sentence”?
– we shouldn’t give special exception to video game franchises or companies because of their status. examples being nintendo and pokémon. the switch oled was unacceptable in its upgraded it still has drift which play station and xbox figured out how to fix more than 3 to 4 years prior and the state scarlet and Violet came out in was unacceptable at least do a play test like splatoon 3 did.
– have you, personally, developed the urge to eat turkey again, yet?
– if your dog kills a duck in a public park, are you required to clean it up or is using your foot to roll it into the pond good enough?
– what is the best “innocent” word that also has a sex meaning? e.g., snowball
– it is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.
– how many students should a single teacher be responsible for and why is the actual number more than what you told them
– how many students should a married teacher be responsible for?

MOVIE – summer rental (1985) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090098)
caleb 7/10
rafe 7/10
SONGS – summer
jukebox the ghost – summer sun

NEXT MOVIE – volunteers (1985) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090274)
NEXT SONGS – volunteering

Woman Walks Ahead


Alpha & Omega (Pokemon Go)

pokemon GO? YES! pokemon GO!!! for like a half hour, rafe and caleb talk all about the ups and downs of pokemon GO! rafe does her IT support desk stuff and walks caleb through checking his apps that are allowed full access to his google account. it’s exhausting, but hopefully it helps someone else. anyway, pokemon GO is the tits. more news related to pokemon GO: the holocaust museum. yup. also real-life fights, how to properly balance work-pokemon life, and pikachu get. caleb talks about his bro date which – you guessed it – involves pokemon GO (but also retro gaming). they talk about their favorite things about the game. rafe loves a kid’s innovation and caleb loves the connection to his brothers. rafe nerds out over corsair computer case fans. no, really. then she brings everyone down by talking about the president of the philippines being fucked up in the head. college classes are over, and caleb and rafe celebrate by complaining. but also pokemon GO!!! and caleb talks a bit about nerdy stuff revolving around dan harmon in harmonquest. also seeso and safety words. after all the pokemon GO stuff simmers down, they discuss the justin long movie, alpha and omega. caleb uses dad rationalization, and rule 34 comes up. rafe did songs about being first and caleb did songs about being last. and rafe sings a little, sorry. next week, they’ll be engrossed in the conspirator, where justin long plays some dude in history. songs will be about presidents. and maybe there will be more stuff about pokemon GO to talk about, too. one can dream… don’t forget to like rafe hates caleb on facebook and follow @rafehatescaleb on twitter to stay in the loop with all their shenanigans.

originally recorded July 12, 2016