Archive for June 30, 2023

This is an Opportunity

top final actor vote!! voting ends july 5, 2023 at 5pm eastern.

caleb had a tough week, rafe was too hot, and read upsetting news, but there was still fun to be had.
here’s what rafe read in the news:

rafe’s high-low
high: heating up
low: VPN blocks

caleb’s high-low
high: braves baseball
low: back problems

– in honor of july 4th: this will be someone’s last weekend with all ten fingers.
– the 3 things you absolutely wouldn’t do in any job interview.
– when a holiday falls on a tuesday or a thursday, a four day weekend should occur. going to work for one day in the middle of a holiday weekend seems rather unproductive.
– how excited should I be to find out a snoball (a.k.a. shaved ice) place is opening a block from me? ’cause I feel a 7 or 8 is reasonable.
– is reddit going to die? or is this temporary
– why does a sandwich taste better when cut diagonally versus being cut either vertically or horizontally?
– the most underrated fast food item, that currently exists on a menu. (also the most overrated item)
– what is one luxury you could live without but would be extremely difficult to give up.

MOVIE – wagons east (1994) (
caleb 5.25/10
rafe 6/10
SONGS – cardinal directions
NOFX – east bay

NEXT MOVIE – canadian bacon (1995) (
NEXT SONGS – breakfast

Make Me an Old Fashioned

sometimes precious things break. like maybe your body! take care of yourselves!!!

rafe’s high-low
high: scientist birthday
low: broken glass

caleb’s high-low
high: lomi
low: stuck on the bridge

– what temp do you like to keep your residence? my in-laws are keeping it at 74 over the summer and I’m frequently lowering it cuz I sweat my balls off.
– can we just make it mandatory going forward that if your company’s product carries a disclaimer involving possible death and emotional trauma, you should be using/on the damn thing as much as possible?
– what’s the best bad/mis translation you’ve seen?
– if you are a passenger riding shotgun in someone’s car, you should be cognizant of the reflection off your phone so you don’t accidentally blind the driver.
– I don’t understand why some smokers feel the need to smoke in public restrooms.
– men’s health month. fucken go to the doctors and check out that thing you’ve been putting off

NEXT MOVIE – hostage for a day (1994) (
caleb 3.5/10
rafe 3.5/10
NEXT SONGS – “a day”
styx – a day

NEXT MOVIE – wagons east (1994) (
NEXT SONGS – cardinal directions

Choke the Flowbee

caleb is mad about a hotel. rafe is happy about slang for penis. they both liked the movie. they talk about the trump indictments and the future of global climate, and also hopefully a good thing for the teamsters at UPS. all in all, not a bad time.

rafe’s high-low
high: haircut community stream
low: climate change

caleb’s high-low
high: saturday birthday
low: weekend bullshit

– can a tire change rafe?
– hyperbole is literally the worst thing in the world!
– it’s not taking me as long to move/pack as I had anticipated. why is that?
– when was the last time, if ever, you had it dawn on you that something was a bad habit/compulsive behavior rather than something you actually enjoyed doing?
– there are a lot of great looking video games coming out soon. how should one focus their time to try and play all the awesome new titles while still maintaining some sort of life balance?
– at what age is it your responsibility vs you child’s when he forgets his medicine after being repeatedly asked to make sure before he left to pack it?

MOVIE – cool runnings (1993) (
caleb 8/10
rafe 7.5/10
SONGS – reggae
bob marley – three little birds (don’t worry about a thing)

NEXT MOVIE – hostage for a day (1994) (
NEXT SONGS – “a day”

re: Bad Vibes

word of the week! rafe is cutting her hair tomorrow LIVE ON TWITCH. come join for the fun! rafe died a lot this week. ah my venus k-drama! caleb got a weird anon gift. and new actor coming SOON.

rafe’s high-low
high: powershell success
low: bugs! spiders and ants!

caleb’s high-low
high: date day out
low: ff7 completionist fail

– (sorry this is kinda confusing): I have an important report that I run that goes up to a VP every morning. it is in a PDF that is essentially just a saved excel file into a PDF format. I’ve spent months using an app to create an automated version of this report to take the place of this old system. but this week, I found out my bosses want me to make a hidden page in the app that they can basically copy into a pdf format, making all my work feel very pointless. what is the meaning of life?
– why does breakfast for dinner seem to taste better than a regular breakfast?
– salsa or hot sauce on your breakfast taco?
– english muffins for a burger make more sense than a traditional bun.
– transformers is the 14th highest grossing series at the box office. how?!
follow up. I asked everyone at my office if they have seen a transformers movie in the last 5 years and only the intern said yes. apparently he watches them all the time and we entered a 20 minute debate on why he is dumb.
– everyone has their own methods to cope, there is not one set way. don’t judge someone for not handling something as well as you do.
– the air quality in the a large portion of the eastern us is rather bad due to wildfires in canada. should we be preparing for the apocalypse now or should we wait until things get worse? can things get much worse?
– my boss had been complaing lately about the “bad vibes” in our office. how do I politely, yet firmly, say that her not bothering to enforce anything and just having other people cover for the fuck ups in the office is the root cause of the “bad vibes”
– what’s the best way to look like you are enjoying your time in florida without actually enjoying your time in florida?
– when you blacklist someone for having the wrong skin color, when is the right time to start calling them for an interview for your seven open positions?
– why is every sequel properly subtitled electric boogaloo? could we have a volcanic boogaloo? piercing? steam powered?
– can rafe change a tire?

MOVIE – rookie of the year (1995) (
caleb 10/10
rafe 9/10
SONGS – rafe is year; caleb is rookie

NEXT MOVIE – cool runnings (1993) (
NEXT SONGS – raggae

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