Archive for August 30, 2019

So Embarrassing (feat. Gregglypuff)

caleb brought… another guest!!!?? GREGGLYPUFF who’s met caleb IRL!!
pizza talk! getting to know gregglypuff, his music likes, his high school days, etc. then, special surprise guest at the end for final fantasy randomizer stuff. it just keeps getting better!

greg’s high-low
high: organizing something through the final fantasy randomizer community
low: less-than-stellar income week

rafe’s high-low
high: coworker shenanigans/credit limit!
low: charter (spectrum) line cut… because someone else got service??

caleb’s high-low
high: birthday celebration, winning speedrun quatro against dengwoo!!
low: work stuff…. again

MOVIE – the scout (1994) (
greg 4.1/10
caleb 5.2/10
rafe 5.5/10
SONGS – rafe is ball and caleb is scouting
social distortion – ball and chain

29. Share with your partner an embarrassing moment in your life.
greg: called a lady “sir” because he thought she was a man from behind.
caleb: in iraq, chuckie and caleb were filling up trucks and gas cans. put the gas handle between his legs with gas as his dick. then he noticed a whole procession of cars waiting to fill up, all watching him. also in arizona, waiting to deploy, doing convoy drills and goofed.
rafe: the period spot!

NEXT MOVIE – the passion of darkly noon (1995) (
NEXT SONGS – rafe is noon and caleb is passion and dark is dark

DengStrats (feat. Dengwoo)

caleb has brought a guest along to talk about final fantasy randomizer stuff! DANGWOO!
follow him here:
10pm EST friday nights for the speedgaming stuff!
tiktok talk, dating apps and ghosting talk.
event shirts!

dengwoo’s high-low
high: didn’t have to work for a week, being on the show
low: jury duty at 9am and just hang out for hours, lost match to caleb

rafe’s high-low
high: seeing JR, mochi ice cream
low: still not on keto

caleb’s high-low
high: final fantasy community spirit! nominations!
low: not recording last week because of work

MOVIE – in the army now (1994) (
dengwoo 6/10
caleb 7.1/10
rafe 6.25/10
SONGS – rafe is now and caleb is army
WINNER: jesus jones – right here right now
deng: journey – who’s crying now
neutral milk hotel – where you’ll find me now
harold & the bluenotes – if you don’t know me by now
jukebox the ghost – where are all the scientists now?
eiffel 65 – now is forever

33. If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Why haven’t you told them yet?
dengwoo: no matter how much he acted opposite, he really does care for his sister.
caleb: would regret not telling his siblings and parents how he loves them.
rafe: would regret not telling a friend how deeply she cares for him. also telling her parents that she loves them.

NEXT MOVIE – the scout (1994) (
NEXT SONGS – rafe is ball and caleb is scout

Easy to Swallow

living the #rahaca life.

spooktacular talk
alcohol, of course

rafe’s high-low
high: bachelorette weekend
low: coming back

caleb’s high-low
high: job prospect?!
low: no job :(

MOVIE – blaze (2018) (
caleb 5/10
rafe 5/10
SONGS – rafe and caleb search for their favorite blaze foley songs
blaze foley – picture cards can’t picture you “I saw daylight in your eyes”

NEXT MOVIE – in the army now (1994) (
NEXT SONGS – rafe is now and caleb is army

The Birth of #RaHaCa

ice cream corner
raising the kids right
tryguys arby’s menu :O
blind pizza taste test is a GO
rafe’s parents watched “mute” and loved it!
niece is going to bronycon this coming weekend, aug 1-4 2019!

walking out of work, and CNN’s headline is “beyond meat plunge” the kind of article rafe can really get behind…. or in front of??

saudi arabian prince wants to spend $500bil on a desert oasis with robot dinosaurs called NEOM

happy 1 year anniversary to caleb and the scientist!

the newseum is closing so caleb visited one last time
Newseum to Close D.C. Location After Sale to Johns Hopkins University

dungeons and dragons catchup with caleb
“they call it the tomb of annihilation for a reason”
brad neely’s dub of harry potter is a must-watch

rafe’s high-low
high: saw the boys today
low: nibling went home

caleb’s high-low
high: anniversary at cava
low: burnout from final fantasy speedruns

SPOILERS ON THE BEST OF ENEMIES around 35 minute mark to 48 minute mark
MOVIE – the best of enemies (2019) (
caleb 7.5/10
rafe 7.5/10
SONGS – caleb is enemies and rafe is best
ben folds – best imitation of myself (ben folds live)

NEXT MOVIE – blaze (2018) (
NEXT SONGS – rafe and caleb search for their favorite blaze foley songs

new hashtag #rahaca