Cancel Your Amazon Prime

sometimes the sliding screen door just comes of its track and you have to be prepared to deal with it. hey amazon is going to charge for ad-free streaming. cancel your amazon prime! also the buddies talk about christmas. word of the week is CHRYSALISM: the tranquility of being indoors during a thunderstorm.

rafe’s high-low
high: christmas
low: screen door

caleb’s high-low
high: christmas
low: amazon bullshit

– what is the most nonsensical way you’ve seen to get christmas gifts home on a plane?
– celebrating the new year happens too late in the day. staying up past midnight gets so much harder as we get older. perhaps it is time to have new year’s eve celebrations at 8:30 pm so we can be in bed at a reasonable hour.
– I’m staying at an airbnb. is business time™ allowed there?
– when do you you change from driving to taking a plane? i.e. how far, how many people, etc.?
– best meal this year. be specific (it can’t be “cheese” it could be a cheese board with three goat cheeses, salami, and rye bread from this one place)
– why do we even have new year’s in january? couldn’t it be any day? maybe an astronomical event like the solstice? or maybe when it’s nice outside so we can see people? if you had the power, when would we celebrate new year’s?
– I declined a promotion recently because I wasn’t happy with the offer. the second time, I said maybe. it seems like I am in the position of power in the negotiations, so I’m going to shoot for the sky. I don’t think there is enough of this mentality and approach in the workplace nowadays.

MOVIE – being human (1994) (
caleb 5/10
rafe 5/10
SONG – human
the human league – human

NEXT MOVIE – the client (1994) (
NEXT SONG – 2023 song of the year

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