Crystal Noise Intensifies (feat. LordFizzlebeef)

lots of mini conversations, like rafe with her hedge witch update and fizzle with his work stories. we got lent updates, lost ark drama, elden ring progress, and so many people to follow on twitch. WE LOVE THEM ALL.

Watch LordFizzlebeef, DaddyLarp, Tipsy_Ink and Codex_Lexicon on twitch!

rafe’s high-low
high: CEO candy and Tipsy_Ink
low: 40hard fail

fizzle’s high-low
high: happy birthday search
low: office drama & picard

– when your LDR says maybe you shouldn’t visit anymore until they say so but otherwise carry on as if nothing happened should you just move on?
– which is worse: a show that ruins your favourite franchise or a show that ruins your childhood hero
– how much coffee is too much? is there such a thing?
– how much story should be between battles in a strategy RPG? I bought triangle strategy and have played for about 2 hours just reading and pushing buttons. just 1 fight so far.
– a schedule of appointments is really just a guideline, the patient experience is improved by seeing people in random order
– did anyone have “a 1000 year old Japanese demon escapes its stone prison” on their 2022 disaster bingo card?
– where do you draw the line?
– how many special events do you schedule for the same day when you are already short staffed?
– how do I find joy in my life and stop caring about this shitty job when my boss only cares about throwing us under the bus?
– why does work keep giving us trainings that insist we must now be more collaborative than ever when no one wants to fucking collaborate?
– what is the best way to push someone out of the office and why is it “be excluded from conversations the person you are excluding has with other members of the team”

MOVIE – 2 guns (2013) (
rafe 7/10
fizzle 6.5/10
SONGS – 2 “blank” songs
neutral milk hotel – two-headed boy

NEXT MOVIE – the equalizer (2014) (
NEXT SONGS – equal songs

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