Joy is Different Than Terror

everyone’s getting sick! trump did some not nice things related to 9/11! rafe read part of an article about people who have been cheated on being marked for LIFE. she also read an article about people on the autism spectrum being more likely to die by suicide. reach out; get help!

caleb had some downers with work but some uplifting stuff with d&d and hot sauces at pepper geek. get ready for a serrano pepper takeover! and rafe is stoked about happy gilmore two CONFIRMED.

rafe’s high-low
high: dino nightlights
low: temple wiggles

calab’s high-low
high: double d&d and plants
low: workforce reduction

– should legacy actors take roles even if they’re too old (sir ian as gandalf in 2025) or does a new actor come in and get lambasted because they’re not the legacy actor?
– is leftover fried dog better cold or heated up?
– what is the dumbest sport on the planet? and why? imo the brits have this one nailed with the annual gloucestershire cheese rolling. (pronunciation if you need it – gloss-turr-sheer if you want to pronounce it like a brit)
– what was your first cellphone plan? I got my first cellphone in 1995 and I had free nights starting at 7:00 pm, free weekends, and 27 minutes of anytime use each month. texting wasn’t a thing, only talking.

MOVIE – cellular (2004) (
caleb 6/10
rafe 6.25/10
MOVIE – sahara (2005) (
caleb 6/10
rafe 6.5/10

zahn: hey, matthew, do you have bloody underwear from riding a camel today?
mcconaughey: no, but I got strawberries on my inner thighs.

SONG – suh songs
my morning jacket – highly suspicious

NEXT MOVIE – thank you for smoking (2005) (
NEXT MOVIE – edmund (2005) (
NEXT SONG – smoking songs

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