Tag Archive for a civil case

Your Civic Duty

caleb has a lot going on this week, like a run-in with jury duty AND the dentist (AGAIN). he also regales about a world of warcraft mount and a mother’s day breakfast mishap. rafe hates spring especially hard because of cicadas and also is she the only one who knows what a vein bruise is?

ABSQUATULATE is the word of the week.

rafe’s high-low
high: good books
low: cicadas

caleb’s high-low
high: WoW achievement
low: dentist return

– have you ever been a rat? snitched? describe!
– what’s the definition of and limits of “fighting words” and what absurdities could that be taken to
– remember at new years when you asked for headline predictions and I said something like “AI gets slightly better at writing music and everyone loses their shit”? I think I win
– how would you make the perfect grilled cheese sandwich? what kind of bread, cheeses, extra toppings, etc.
– how soon after your spouse starts an affair is too soon to consider looking for a divorce lawyer?

MOVIE – a civil action (1998) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120633)
caleb 6.4/10
rafe 5/10
SONG – rafe is civil, caleb is action
the clash – know your rights

NEXT MOVIE – happy, texas (1999) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0162360)
NEXT SONG – rafe is happy and caleb is texas