Tag Archive for a single shot

Manifest Destiny

MANIFEST is the word of the year.

the incredibles and singing in the rain! double d&d for caleb was lovely. and what’s up with the shelf pins in cupboards? caleb will never get what he needs. also young dog problems. can’t just have a calm home life.

rafe’s high-low
high: stream creations
low: general pain

caleb’s high-low
high: weekend with gene kelly
low: dag problems

– are there any secrets or behind the scenes information you can share about your job that people would be surprised to hear?
– I have a cold. how do you draw the line on whether to go in to work or call off? consider that some of us have to go into the office and have limited time off.
– thanksgiving needs dedicated songs. whats the name or a good topic for a turkey day song? canadialand’s thanksgiving also counts
– when was the last time you were a part of a professional photo shoot?
– what is caleb doing so much differently than the rest of us to be a 500/10? and will he share those secrets with us?

MOVIE – a single shot (2013) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1540741)
caleb 5/10
rafe 3.25/10
SONG – shooting
bad company – shooting star

NEXT MOVIE – rudderless (2014) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1798243)
NEXT MOVIE – two-bit waltz (2014) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2570224)
NEXT SONG – lost

Caleb’s Wrist Came Off

rafe has anxiety issues and caleb tries to make her feel okay about it. rafe says “like” a million times. caleb likes friends and rafe doesn’t. rafe talks work and lasik (aka complains). caleb tries to solve all rafe’s work problems. caleb talks, too, about being cold in his basement. that’s about it… JUST KIDDING they also tear apart the sam rockwell movie, a single shot, and talk guns for their songs of the week with BONUS HONORABLE MENTIONS. btw they’re watching gentlemen broncos and doing fantasy songs next week. rafe talks elephant for her bright place.

and RIP, leonard nimoy. you were an inspiration.

rafe wants your bright places, please! email or tweet her the bright things. don’t forget to like rafe hates caleb on facebook and follow rafe or caleb on twitter to stay in the loop with all their shenanigans.

originally recorded March 1, 2015