Tag Archive for alan rickman

Dumpster Kitties

hello and welcome to another interesting episode of random things! rafe tries to explain her gut feeling to caleb and they both possibly don’t know how to live healthy lives. and kitties! more kitties. and gross stuff about kitties. rafe brags about christmas and is also back to playing wildstar. caleb also goes over his christmas stuff and then gives rafe a hard time about butter. rafe and caleb have more laughs about adverbs and then there’s some talk about rogue one (some spoilers if you can even call them that). then rafe has a freakout about new year’s eve and resolutions. they talk about the alan rickman movie, bob roberts. rafe complains about all the shows she needs to watch. and pokemon go is a think again? and the most important thing in this episode: what would you like to receive if we started a patreon? anyway, they also did songs written by bobs and roberts and caleb gets mad at rafe again. and then there’s talk about rafe losing her uterus and also marriage. then rafe asks awkward questions about being friends with people on facebook and caleb has all the answers. next week, they’ll be watching mesmer with alan rickman. it was a struggle to find it, but THEY DID IT. also songs about hypnotizing. also bork videos and man of honor!! don’t forget to like rafe hates caleb on facebook and follow @rafehatescaleb on twitter to stay in the loop with all their shenanigans. you can also watch caleb play games sometimes on twitch.

originally recorded January 2, 2017


Ouch! It Hurts!

shitty sound quality aside, rafe brings up a lovely story about coincidence in kentucky. caleb laughs about some ridiculous hashtags and accidentally dirty names. rafe is way behind the times when it comes to transformers and also discovers the next fast and furious movie (hashtag evil dreadlocks). caleb suggests yet another movie for rafe called miami connection and teaches rafe about the turing test. rafe explains some horrible voices that she and others have, which leads into an awkward conversation about high-pitched noises. good new and bad news about some animals, too. caleb also tries to summarize 2016, and rafe isn’t sure what happened to brexit. this week’s alan rickman movie is close my eyes. they whine a bit about missing sam rockwell. for songs this week, rafe and caleb picked forbidden love. caleb tries to sing one of rafe’s songs… yeah. next alan rickman movie is bob roberts. rafe will be doing songs by bobs and caleb will do songs by roberts. don’t forget to like rafe hates caleb on facebook and follow @rafehatescaleb on twitter to stay in the loop with all their shenanigans. you can also watch caleb play games sometimes on twitch.

originally recorded December 13, 2016


Rafe’s Dumbness

well folks, rafe isn’t really on her game this episode which she thinks is pretty dumb. caleb goes into great detail on a final fantasy 7 speed run that gets pretty nerdy. then caleb starts talking about pokemon go and rafe gets WAY too excited. rafe is also happy about watching foxes diving into snow and caleb wants rafe to watch community. rafe keeps singing the MASH themesong, and well. she’s just weird. rafe hounds caleb about being too fancy in the kitchen, then has some really important questions about soup stuff. caleb questions a super-fast zelda runner that he’s been competing against on twitch. they talked about robin hood: prince of thieves. after discussing parodies, caleb throws out a challenge to the listeners. do you have what it takes to prove him wrong?!?! caleb did songs about being rich and rafe did songs about being poor. next week, they’ll be watching alan rickman in close my eyes. since this movie is about incest, they’ll be doing songs about forbidden love. don’t forget to like rafe hates caleb on facebook and follow @rafehatescaleb on twitter to stay in the loop with all their shenanigans.

originally recorded December 12, 2016



rafe found a new favorite subreddit. caleb is excited about the end of 2016 and lists his plans. rafe is in denial about her mental disorders. rafe quotes an old okcupid profile and they have some laughs. she then awkwardly complains about not understanding sexuality. they get on a tangent about sapiensexual. caleb brings up his personal experiments with food and masturbation, which leads them down a horrible path of masturbation tips and sexy time. rafe then finds things specifically about female masturbation and they’re not very clever. after that debacle, they discuss the alan rickman movie of the week, truly madly deeply. the songs of the week all have titles with prominent adverbs. there’s a fight about it, which is so typical. rafe tries to sing but forgets some of the words. next week, they’ll be watching alan rickman in robin hood: prince of thieves. rafe will do songs about poor and caleb will be rich! don’t forget to like rafe hates caleb on facebook and follow @rafehatescaleb on twitter to stay in the loop with all their shenanigans.

originally recorded December 6, 2016

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