Tag Archive for bruce willis

Blind Date (1987)

rafe complains about allergies and caleb complains about… laughing? yeah it’s a weird show. but hey, good news about lucifer and tom welling! after tons of rambling, rafe is excited about the book thing opens back up in baltimore! they also have a deep discussion about which blade runner should be watched. then they get into a debate about star wars. it goes on for quite a bit… if you want to skip it, they stop arguing about 40 minutes in. then they talk about the bruce willis movie, blind date. after that, time for the songs! caleb did blind and rafe did date. SPOOKTACULAR is coming up, so they need to pick a movie!! also next week they’ll be watching bruce willis in sunset. at the end, rafe remembers that kristin bell did an AMA on reddit so if you’re a fan, go check out her answers. anyway, go vote for the SPOOKTACULAR movie!!!

don’t forget to like rafe hates caleb on facebook and follow @rafehatescaleb on twitter to stay in the loop with all their shenanigans. you can also watch caleb play games sometimes on twitch.

originally recorded October 10, 2017

The Return of Bruno (1987)

rafe gives some great advice about booking room resources in microsoft outlook calendar meetings. then she’s super stoked about the new online show with jake stormoen, extinct! caleb finally watched dragonheart, so he gives his well thought out opinion. this leads into a discussion about alcohol and how to identify a psychopath by their taste in music. this leaves rafe and caleb confused about their mental stability, so they take a test together to see if they’re sociopaths. they talk a bit about bruce willis in the return of bruno, then they do their songs about returns. caleb goes nuts describing the music videos from his selections. it’s ridic. next week, they’ll be watching bruce willis in blind date. caleb will do songs about blindness and rafe is doing dates. don’t forget to like rafe hates caleb on facebook and follow @rafehatescaleb on twitter to stay in the loop with all their shenanigans. you can also watch caleb play games sometimes on twitch.

originally recorded October 3, 2017

The Verdict (1982)

holy hell is rafe just getting louder each episode? is this some devious scheme of caleb’s to fuck with the success of the show?!? HASHTAG CONSPIRACY. the upside is rafe found the youtube video of animals be like… and also this awesome rap of a guy. caleb pressures rafe into drinking, then she gets kind of drunk and talks too much about everything. she talks about as you wish, then they discuss hot topics like NFL players kneeling, then there’s an excited moment regarding the kickstarter my brother, the time traveler, and rafe finally remembers stuff about high school and also some party habits. rafe brings up PB&J and caleb loses his shit. they talk about bruce willis’ movie, the verdict (1982). rafe does songs about innocence and caleb is guilty. next week, they’ll be watching bruce willis in the return of bruno (1987) and list songs about returns. don’t forget to like rafe hates caleb on facebook and follow @rafehatescaleb on twitter to stay in the loop with all their shenanigans. you can also watch caleb play games sometimes on twitch.

originally recorded September 26, 2017

The First Deadly Sin (1980)

ALTERNATIVE TITLE: the perfect storm of butt stuff
caleb starts off the episode with a torrid tale of… pretty gross stuff involving his digestive system. then it’s all about dating for caleb – or the hard stop. rafe spends some time giggling about her first time meeting furybox. then caleb complains about magical homeless people (in books). then BIG NEWS!!! rafe and caleb back my brother, the time-traveler (with murr!) and YOU SHOULD, TOO. some other stuff happens too, and then they go through their FIRST EVER bruce willis movie, the first deadly sin. he plays such a small part lol. and then they talk about their songs about sins. caleb sings again. sorry, guys!!! next week they’ll be watching bruce willis in the verdict and doing songs about being innocent and guilty. don’t forget to like rafe hates caleb on facebook and follow @rafehatescaleb on twitter to stay in the loop with all their shenanigans. you can also watch caleb play games sometimes on twitch.

originally recorded September 20, 2017

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