Tag Archive for d&d

Caleb Was a Bad Student

d&d, some BRIEF government stuff, and very exciting advances in food preservation technology! rafe and caleb both go down playstation memory lane, too.

rafe’s high-low
high: vine callback
low: food

caleb’s high-low
high: butter bell
low: federal firings

– I guess it DID happen. (⁠rahaca-doom-palace⁠)
– even though some states have legalized marijuana. should a company still be able to fire employees who come to work high?
– why is it that vampires must ask for permission to enter a house. but werewolfs can just jump through windows etc?
– when says that your too much for them. should be that be taken as an compliment or insult?
– debate on whether spiral or bound notebooks are better. I’m pro spiral
– did you have a trapper keeper when you were in school
– what’s the correct match of notebook colors to subjects? e.g. science is blue, math is red. yellow is english, green is history
– did you ever have a themed lunchbox? matching thermos?
– with the digital age came the onset of digital text documents. has this hurt the way we see and use physical notebooks to the point that future generations won’t earn any cool kid points for having the best lisa frank stickers on theirs?

MOVIE – the notebook (2004) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0332280)
caleb 4.5/10
rafe 4.5/10
SONG – memories
of montreal – I can’t stop your memory

NEXT MOVIE – wedding crashers (2005) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0396269)
NEXT SONG – getting married

Preventative Maintenance

caleb had a friendsgiving and got new awesome software for d&d called obsidian. he’s loving on some youtube channels like mystic arts DM from iceland! nicole van der hoeven can help using obsidian with d&d. josh plunkett is another obsidian wizard with the additional patreon VAULT.

there are a couple rafe rants in there too, with making connections and how to use a box cutter.

rafe’s high-low
high: mary the dermatologist
low: finger sliced

caleb’s high-low
high: making progress
low: bread breakdown

– I have never had to use my epipen since being diagnosed with a nut allergy eight years ago. like many people who feel that the cost of epipens is prohibitively expensive, I tend to wait at least a year past the expiration date to order new ones. a new law in new york state has capped the out of pocket cost of epipens to $100 which is significantly more manageable. this law shouldn’t be necessary and I, and many in my situation, shouldn’t have to ration lifesaving medicine due to costs.
– if you haven’t watched the newer wonder years series based on a vietnam war-era middle class black family in montgomery, AL yet, change that. it’s one of the best things made for tv in years.
– do you think that tv or movies have forseen or showed us futuristic events?
– what’s your stance on food coloring? cancer causing evilness or just whatever, hands off my baja blast!
– who is the best disney princess and why is it jasmine? with simba second.
– do you have a favorite book?
– what was your favorite holiday growing up?
– interesting thought process/inference. you see a lot of voice actors in particular in anime and chinese anime dying from or battling cancer. you could say about 20 years ago it was due to the fact that microphones and radios were made of asbestos back in the 90s and 80s before it was known as harmful. but what can you attribute to a lot of voice actors in the modern day passing from them? another similar but semi-not related point would be a lot of mangaka passing from or battling cancer
– what is a song you adored when you were younger than brings back fond memories when you think about it or hear it?

MOVIE – kingdom of the planet of the apes (2024) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11389872)
caleb 6.5/10
rafe 5.75/10
MOVIE – maybe I do (2023) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt20879602)
caleb 5.5/10
rafe 5/10
SONG – the past
ben folds five – your redneck past

FINAL MOVIE – ricky stanicky (2024) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1660648)
NEXT SONG – song by RICKs

It’s the Bear Show

FAT BEAR WEEK APPROACHES. are you prepared?!?! https://explore.org/fat-bear-week

seriously though, fuck uber eats. even following all their rules, they don’t want to refund or try to get your food to you. rafe read some good news! maybe we can do more do trap carbon. maybe. read more about equatic’s carbon removal here.

caleb might have an allergy disease, but he got a lot done this week like painting, going to oktoberfest, visiting his favorite book shop, and continuing his monster books. he drops a great frankenstein quote.

rafe’s high-low
high: temperature drop
low: uber eats

calab’s high-low
high: paint and beer
low: funeral & sick

– it’s officially fall / autumn! (for many of us). what do you look forward to most this time of year? do you have any traditions or comforts you dust off this time of year?
– chili or pumpkin spice?
– why can’t parents chill the fuck out? just had to have an all parents meeting for a kids softball team because a parent (in earshot of the umpire) said that “the other team must be sucking off the ump”
– why are there xmas decorations?!? I hate corporate culture!! let me enjoy things before sucking the last change from my pocket
– why won’t my body let me sleep? waking up at 430 is for crazy people who get home before 10 pm
– why does everything have to be a subscription now? bmw are now charging a monthly subscription fee to use the seat warmers and auto hi-beam dimming in new cars.

MOVIE – doogal (2006) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0763304)
caleb 2.5/10
rafe 3/10
MOVIE – bobby (2006) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0308055)
caleb 6/10
rafe 6/10
SONG – dead kennedys
california uber alles

NEXT MOVIE – wild hogs (2007) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0486946)
SKIPPED – THANKS APPLETV everyone’s hero (2006) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0430779)
NEXT MOVIE – inland empire (2006) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0460829)
NEXT SONG – crisis

Finding Yourself With Wood

how kind are you to customer service people? caleb gives spoiler-free reviews of guillermo del toro’s pinocchio and d&d, caleb has wood dreams, and bad dreams, and rafe goes on a rant about being nice to people. and taxes, amirite?

rafe’s high-low
high: found myself
low: taxes

caleb’s high-low
high: m&m’s
low: bad dream

– could the tech bros stop trying to get robots to write papers and just get some godsdamned cleaning bots to market beyond vacuuming?
– how early in the week is too early to be done with the week and want it to just be over?
– what’s the best fruit/veggie to add to water?
– when someone else’s kid gets on the spiny thing at the playground do I keep going mach 3 like when my daughter was on it solo or do I tone it down
– I will never understand austin texas, or the entire states of california and ohio.
– why is a high Luck stat considered good when it doesnt specify good or bad luck?

MOVIE – masters of menace (1990) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0100119)
caleb 2.5/10
rafe 2.5/10
SONGS – menacing

NEXT MOVIE – the rescuers down under (1990) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0100477)
NEXT SONGS – australian bands

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