Tag Archive for Nicholas Sparks

Caleb Was a Bad Student

d&d, some BRIEF government stuff, and very exciting advances in food preservation technology! rafe and caleb both go down playstation memory lane, too.

rafe’s high-low
high: vine callback
low: food

caleb’s high-low
high: butter bell
low: federal firings

– I guess it DID happen. (⁠rahaca-doom-palace⁠)
– even though some states have legalized marijuana. should a company still be able to fire employees who come to work high?
– why is it that vampires must ask for permission to enter a house. but werewolfs can just jump through windows etc?
– when says that your too much for them. should be that be taken as an compliment or insult?
– debate on whether spiral or bound notebooks are better. I’m pro spiral
– did you have a trapper keeper when you were in school
– what’s the correct match of notebook colors to subjects? e.g. science is blue, math is red. yellow is english, green is history
– did you ever have a themed lunchbox? matching thermos?
– with the digital age came the onset of digital text documents. has this hurt the way we see and use physical notebooks to the point that future generations won’t earn any cool kid points for having the best lisa frank stickers on theirs?

MOVIE – the notebook (2004) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0332280)
caleb 4.5/10
rafe 4.5/10
SONG – memories
of montreal – I can’t stop your memory

NEXT MOVIE – wedding crashers (2005) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0396269)
NEXT SONG – getting married

I Like Watching the Puddles

this episode starts with rafe and caleb complaining about g-force. it’s a horrible movie with some great actors (including sam rockwell, of course), then rafe grumbles about nicholas sparks’ romantic stories… she may or may not be viewing the entire world through cynical eyes. boring stories abound!! the power outage! the cultural food! masturbation! sweat and umbrellas! woodpeckers! we’re sorry that rafe leads a mundane midwest life. caleb tries to recover by making up a new sex move.

caleb talks about dating woes (tinder) and how he’ll clean his house for a stranger coming over but not for rafe. ok ok, he didn’t say that specifically, but it’s true. and he faps. NOT ON THE PODCAST. wouldn’t THAT be entertaining? rafe is a socially awkward penguin, and a stalker, when it comes to cashiers. rafe ponders what to do with a school bus if she owned one. she’s power hungry. speaking of cars, caleb hates his and has to learn how to do his own repairs. they talk about mashups as their songs of the week. caleb totally cheated by making someone else find songs for him (thanks, DJ pollyswag). oh, and rafe has no shame and will go on two first-meets in one day. but caleb’s a liar so we think that’s worse. anyway, a woodpecker basically ruins the end of this episode. enjoy.

originally recorded August 24, 2014