Tag Archive for okcupid

Pouring Tea For Two

oh god, this episode is so goddamn depressing. a sad sam rockwell movie (the green mile) and songs that make them cry. BUT before all that sadness, rafe talks about about okcupid and caleb gets cheeky about his sensitivity. rafe has decided not to diet or exercise at all, ever again. she and caleb both recap the last three weeks of their lives. that means they’re catching up to being a current podcast whooohooooo. rafe saw the maze runner and they debate the logistics of the story. rafe saw some anime, then complains about her annual work review. then caleb recaps, and talks about continuing his higher education, and how awesome world of warcraft is. then they discuss how to get away with suicide. then farts. then rafe mentions someone from twitter who didn’t want to be mentioned but she’s a jerkface. oh, and that vending machine thing they were talking about is here. then they talk about sex stuff. again. why does this always happen? oh, yeah – rafe is easy. anyway! SADNESS. side note, rafe promises to try to get motivated to update the sam rockwell and music pages… maybe.

originally recorded october 12, 2014

My Life is Pretty Plain

lots of giggles in episode nine. rafe and caleb have trouble figuring out where rafe is with scrubs. rafe reads an okcupid profile aloud and it’s amazing, then she gets angry and yells a bit. caleb talks about the awkwardness of tinder and dating in general, and being jerked off in cars, which prompts rafe to tell the story of the strangest man she’s ever been with (hint: nipple rubbing and virgins). caleb and rafe also divulge the most interesting one night stands they’ve had. they talk about their sam rockwell movie, cowboys and aliens, and rafe kind of gushes a bit. not sexually, you perv (well, maybe a little when olivia wilde comes up). there are also songs! because that happens every week. rafe sings! that doesn’t happen every week and you’ll hear why (it’s horrible). by the way, rafe would like to apologize for not updating the sam rockwell and music pages recently. she’s been too busy playing WoW and… well, that’s about it.

originally recorded August 10, 2014

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