Tag Archive for rachel mcadams

Caleb Hate Anime

massages, drinks, and dinner! greek place called melina. caleb finished castlevania, and the scientist picked attack on titan for the next! rafe has some big thoughts on going to the doctor and both of them have big thoughts on the government.

rafe’s high-low
high: valentine’s
low: allergies?

caleb’s high-low
high: valentine’s
low: government

– how do I stop digging this hole deeper? I keep digging and it doesn’t get better. procrastination also is ineffective.
– what are the warning signs of a cult? how do you rescue someone from there without force?
– should there be a penalty at work when someone eats your lunch that is clearly labeled?
– setting your out of office email auto response for vacation is a great feeling.
– youtube is now detecting ad blocking software and showing ads anyway. not a fan of the 13.99 per month to remove ads. (I do give money to content creators through their patreon pages or buy me a coffee)
– did “fetch” wind up happening after all?
– how badass olga of kyiv was
– what’s the most ridiculous thing that you could (not should) make a subscription?
– mean girls and les miserables are all the proof you need of amanda seyfried’s range.
– rafe, all your cold that was on backorder got dumped at my place. please come pick it up
– raise your hand if you feel you have been personally victimized by regina george
– if you could create a new department in the government, what would it be and what would it do? bonus points if you have a clever acronym

MOVIE – mean girls (2004) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0377092)
caleb 6.3/10
rafe 7.75/10
SONG – mean girls
bryce fox – horns

NEXT MOVIE – the notebook (2004) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0332280)
NEXT SONG – memories

Rafe Got Distracted at the End

already skipping movies for rachel mcadams. tsk. rafe has been reading about cults. caleb did the superb owl thing with yummy food. big talk on espresso! and will these two ever feel well again?

rafe’s high-low
high: kyler
low: flu

caleb’s high-low
high: superbowl party
low: lingering cold

– who is better equipped to battle an alien invasion. people in the city or people in the country?
– you are tasked to create a mafia family. but you can only choose celebrities. who do you choose?
– is it right for you to ask your ex-lover to give back gifts you bought for them?
– when I was younger, if I watched a movie that showed the same character at different ages, I thought they waited for the actor to grow up to continue filming. is there anything with a simple explanation that you didn’t understand as a kid that you are somewhat embarrassed to admit?
– why do snacks turn into dinner? I may or may not have impulse control issues with food
– which professional job has the potential to create a cheater?
– is it easier to ask a woman to be on her social media as opposed to her number?
hot hot topic: what’s the deal with “hot” foods these days? e.g., hot chicken, hot honey
– sadly, the use of the r-word has become more and more prevalent in recent years.
– if your significant other is mad at someone, does that mean I’m supposed to mad at the person too?

MOVIE – the hot chick (2002) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0302640)
calab 5.5/10
rafe 6/10
SONG – hot chick
beach boys – california girls

NEXT MOVIE – mean girls (2004) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0377092)
NEXT SONG – mean girls

That’s What VPN Does

caleb and rafe both worked on their computers this weekend! caleb also did more work organizing his D&D stuff, and rafe rambles a bit about morning appetite and new anime in 2025 (no spoilers, just listing some interesting stuff). she’s super hopeful for a new one by the same guy who did the cowboy bebop anime. do you use VPN?

click here to read the article on paying attention to your appetite when you wake up.
if you want to see some more info on 2025 anime, you can read the article here.

rafe’s high-low
high: tablet
low: noggin bump

caleb’s high-low
high: finishing shows
low: down with the sickness

– what are your preferred girl scout cookies? also, do you prefer the east coast or west coast names?
– its tradition to ask the father’s permission to marry his daughter. but is it really necessary? they can still marry anyway. is it breaking some sort of marriage laws?
– what cds does bork bork bork have in his car? what do you have?
– if you got to visit italy for one day, where would you go? why?
– your preferred side with chicken wings: blue cheese, ranch, or something else?
– how do you hide from someone who can reads minds?
– what is the best way to hide a dead body? asking for a friend.

MOVIE – my name is tanino (2002) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0280970)
caleb 5.5/10
rafe 5.5/10
SONG – italian
luciano pavarotti – la donna è mobile (rigoletto)

NEXT MOVIE – perfect pie (2002) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0293899)
NEXT SONG – perfection