Tag Archive for reddit


rafe found a new favorite subreddit. caleb is excited about the end of 2016 and lists his plans. rafe is in denial about her mental disorders. rafe quotes an old okcupid profile and they have some laughs. she then awkwardly complains about not understanding sexuality. they get on a tangent about sapiensexual. caleb brings up his personal experiments with food and masturbation, which leads them down a horrible path of masturbation tips and sexy time. rafe then finds things specifically about female masturbation and they’re not very clever. after that debacle, they discuss the alan rickman movie of the week, truly madly deeply. the songs of the week all have titles with prominent adverbs. there’s a fight about it, which is so typical. rafe tries to sing but forgets some of the words. next week, they’ll be watching alan rickman in robin hood: prince of thieves. rafe will do songs about poor and caleb will be rich! don’t forget to like rafe hates caleb on facebook and follow @rafehatescaleb on twitter to stay in the loop with all their shenanigans.

originally recorded December 6, 2016

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