Tag Archive for tiktok

It Can’t Get Any Worse

it’s been a WHOLE MONTH with no #RaHaCa podcast so buckle up. rafe’s worried about caleb’s computer, is excited to be on tiktok, and is excited about a surprise for dani. caleb regales with a big bone, and big balls. also christmas stuff, delicious food that caleb’s been posting on instagram and discord, and cats on drugs. rafe reminds everyone that 2021 isn’t going to be different – we all still have to wear our masks to protect people from covid-19. she’s also back on tinder, yay! and doing #75hard which caleb gets roped into of course. they also go hard on the L kinks. #RaHaCa2021 here we come!

HIGH LOWS for 2020
rafe’s high-low
high: hermit life
low: glamper breakup

caleb’s high-low
high: married
low: family

– did CATS cause COVID?
– 2020. why? just why?
– what, in your opinion, was the single worst take of 2020?
– how is amy adams as an actress? and how much of your opinion is based on her choice of movies and directors?
– where are the murder hornets?
– if die hard is the best christmas movie that isn’t a christmas movie, could we also then say that polar express is the worst movie that happens to be a christmas movie, and should we make it a bipolar double header christmas tradition?
– pretend you see a time travelling tour group, and you see that one entitled tourist yelling at the poor tour guide about how much they want their money back for experiencing 2020 and being a real asshole about it. what year do you tell the asshole they should demand comp tickets to go to to make them suffer even more?
– since 2020 has answered the question of “pants?” with an emphatic no, what is the correct matching foot coverings?
– can we all agree to stop taunting the universe? we started that in 2016 and it just keeps calling our bluff.
– the kink corner, the best thing about 2020 or the absolute best thing about 2020?
– what pet name do you have for your cum, now that we know greggly’s?
– bad news: you are getting executed tomorrow. what’s your last meal?

MOVIE – leap year (2010) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1216492)
caleb 5/10
rafe 8.75/10
SONGS – 2020 anthem
blackbear – I feel bad

NEXT MOVIE – moonlight serenade (2009) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0455638)
NEXT SONGS – crooners

Luclear Energy (feat. Lucas)

special guest and old friend of rafe and caleb, lucas, visits for this special episode. caleb has a shit ton of things to talk about, like tiktok, braces, food, biscuits, teeth, and vodka. they catch up with lucas and have a great time. they say goodbye and then had to come back for the KINKS!

in case you needed an update, here’s some info about ICE hystorectomies around september 29, 2020

rafe’s high-low
high: lucas on the show
low: faaaaaaat

caleb’s high-low
high: biscuits!
low: invisalign

lucas’ high-low
high: hunting
low: employee quit

– where did all the spoons go and how aggressively do I eat this greek yogurt with my face
– better seat: window or aisle
– is an MMO levelling experience really improved by making it so that any 8 year old coked out of their gourd on M&M’s and jones soda can just run around and mash buttons with no resistance whatsoever.
– if you can shower and get dressed within 15 minutes, should you count it as a paid break instead of doing it on your unpaid lunch?
– why is minecraft steve so much fun to play in spite of his janky-ass movement and build-up mechanics?
– if someone’s concept of hell is their own personal heaven then is it hell or heaven?
– would you rather always fail at something and hope to learn from your mistakes or always succeed and learn nothing new?
– what do you think the proper way to use the three seashells was in demolition man?
– when we ACTUALLY have to quarantine all we still complain about how we quarantined without actually quarantining?
– for the guest: who was the better cook between rafe and caleb, and what was your favorite dish they made?


34. Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?
caleb: pictures from your childhood
lucas: nothing. no attachments
rafe: my computer – all my pictures

MOVIE – charlie wilson’s war (2007) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0472062)\
caleb 8.5/10
rafe 7.8/10
lucas 8.5/10
SONGS – rafe is charlie and caleb is wilson
mallrat – charlie

NEXT MOVIE – sunshine cleaning (2008) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0862846)

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