Tag Archive for william h. macy

High Praise for Bullet Train

rafe has some STRONG words about costco’s kirkland cream cheese. and also STRONG words against the bigger cars in american and the stupid loopholes and maybe she hates american policies. vox: why are cars in the US so big?

watch this drew gooden video! it’s almost like drew has been listening to rafe rant ahaha.

PSITHURISM is the word of the week. yeah we dunno how to say it.

rafe’s high-low
high: telternhaus cookout
low: HEAT

caleb’s high-low
high: macbeth
low: mayo broke

– for a star wars day event this weekend in syracuse, someone scheduled william shatner for an appearance.
– what are valid reasons for pings? don’t @ me
– unbeknownst to you, there is a chance that you have saved a life. could be a stranger, could be somone you know, but your being has likely had an impact on another altering their course.
– if you’re having a total shitshow of a day and your mood is somewhere near the bottom of an arby’s dumpster, is there one thing that can turn it around instantly and make you feel like nothing that happened earlier matters anymore? it could be a person, a food, an activity… anything that makes the world go away in an instant, without fail.
– a masked man in nyc ate an entire container of cheeseballs at union square park. he made flyers for it and had a huge audience
– now that the weather is getting nicer, we are in my favorite time of year: yard sale season. do you have any fun or interesting yard sale stories?
– what quote or saying do people often say, but you believe is complete trash? for me it’s ‘it is what it is’. I also hate it when you open up about something, and someone has to give an example of a time a similar bad thing has happened to them. like it’s a competition.

NEXT MOVIE – pleasantville (1998) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120789)
caleb 7.86/10
rafe 7.75/10
NEXT SONG – songs we find pleasant
rogue wave – eyes

NEXT MOVIE – secret of NIHM 2 (1998) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0171725) WITH A SPECIAL FRIDAY MOVIE NIGHT OF THE FIRST ONE!!!
NEXT SONG – rodents

The Meow Meow Kid

caleb has a meow meow story, and a sad story, and a story about BBQ.

rafe cautions about e. coli in ground beef: https://www.newsnationnow.com/us-news/recalls/nationwide-alert-issued-ground-beef-e-coli/

also how sad is that prison graveyard in mississippi?

ARMSCYE is the word of the week.

rafe’s high-low
high: sosig drawing
low: working in the office

caleb’s high-low
high: series of little highs
low: cook friend passed away

– whiskey: on the rocks? or neat?
– what’s your “why bother?” hill you’ll die on? as in, something you’ll fight for, but it’s so utterly pointless like… why bother?
– favourite house chore? least favourite?
– I am currently in a superposition of both regretting and appreciating the pie currently sitting in my stomach. what was the last thing you ate that inspired quantum emotions?
– what would it take, in this current economic/employment climate, to make you tell your current employer to “take this job and shove it”? what would push you over the line enough? – what career change would have to come available? what amount of money would be enough to be literal “fuck-you money”?
– naps, why do they mess with my sleep schedule so much?
– where is your line between suck it up, buttercup, and I’m just not going
– personal grooming / manscaping… aka keeping things tidy. yay or nay?
– some famous people have epithets attached to their names, like the brave or the wise. what would you like yours to be?

MOVIE – the con (1998) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119865)
caleb 6.25/10
rafe 6.25/10
SONG – songs that have “con” in them
relient k – I so hate consequences

NEXT MOVIE – pleasantville (1998) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120789)
NEXT SONG – songs we find pleasant

Statement Pants

caleb and his apple stories, amirite? now it’s the airpods! and what’s this about the civil war movie? rafe ate bad bread! taxes suck. the word of the week is BANNOCK DEVICE. you know, the thing that measures your feet and the shoe store.

caleb and fizzle will be doing a final fantasy randomizer show!! and fuckin chinos, man.

rafe’s high-low
high: spirit city: lofi sessions
low: turbo tax UGH

caleb’s high-low
high: home stuff
low: airpod amazon theft

– there hasn’t been a lot going on in get-fit-or-die-trying and I hope people are staying healthy.
– have you ever thought you were average or below average at something only to find out you’re actually well above the norm and were just utterly oblivious?
– would you work an extra hour a day if you were allowed a 2 hour nap during the work day, where no one can disturb you?
– what is the worst accommodation you’ve ever stayed in temporarily or while traveling? last weekend I stayed in an airbnb I’m convinced was incredibly haunted with the ghost of orgies past. on account of the amount of cuck chairs in each bedroom.
– belt loops! because of my weight loss, I’ve had to buy a bunch of new clothes. pants only have five belt loops now as opposed to seven or eight. it is different and difficult to get used to when putting on a belt.

NEXT MOVIE – jerry and tom (1998) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120867)
caleb 6.5/10
rafe 6.5/10
NEXT SONG – rafe is tom and caleb is jerry
catatonia and space – the ballad of tom jones

NEXT MOVIE – the con (1998) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119865)
NEXT SONG – songs that have “con” in them

No Meat in Those Cookies

rafe is playing a new game called chook & sosig and you should buy it when it’s on sale!

phrase of the week is WET SOCK.
caleb saw the devil movie with the scientist! and got a massage! it was weird. MOUTH IN THE HOLE.
world of warcraft PLUNDERSTORM and city of heroes events!

itunes is dumb and hates its users. apple is the worrrrssssstttttt.

rafe’s high-low
high: chook & sosig walk the plank (2019)
low: heat

caleb’s high-low
high: d&d
low: everything else

– every dog has its day, but does every day have its dog?
– what makes home made better than a skilled chef in a restaurant?
– so if we are getting a super release of sex crazed zombie cicadas, does this mean that they will pass that std to all the non infected cicadas? is this the end of non zombified cicadas?
– does anyone know where you can buy a giant zombie cicada costume? asking for a friend. that’s not actually my hht. my question is, what’s an insult you’ve received that you’re proud of?
– I’ve heard of furries, but what do we call consty’s people in their cicada costumes? crunchies?
– who is your natural predator?
– what’s worse: having the internet just down, or having the internet go down for 10 to 15 mins at a time? asking in hopes of a better day 4
– how many times did you hear all or part of the song “total eclipse of the heart” on monday?
– cicadas are coming out of hiding after 17 years so they can have sex then die. do you know a person or persons who fits this lifestyle?
– certain breeds of cicadas used to only come out every 10 years in certain parts of the world. but recently they have been coming out every summer. do you think climate change has to do with that? also, idk where you were during the eclipse but did anyone else hear the cicadas chirping during the eclipse then as soon as it was over they stopped?
– I can be the only one who sometimes feels like hiding in a hole for 17 years like a cicada.

MOVIE – colin fitz lives! (1997) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118873)
caleb 5.1/10
rafe 4/10
SONG – living
fall out boy – get busy living or get busy dying

NEXT MOVIE – jerry and tom (1998) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120867)
NEXT SONG – rafe is tom and caleb is jerry

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