2022 Year End Review

this episode has everything. holiday concert reviews, hip problems, coffee and water obsessions, and the movies you should definitely watch for the season: guardians of the galaxy christmas specia, muppet christmas carol (with extra song), and home alone.

rafe’s high-low
high: SWAGMASS #teamRIB
low: the weekend

rafe’s 2022 high-low
high: twitch streamer
low: covid

caleb’s high-low
high: muppet christmas carol
low: hip

caleb’s 2022 high-low
high: strong marriage
low: father passing away

– the classic xmas movies – are they really that classic or is nostalgia just super heavy this time of year?
– as crappy as things can be, we aren’t completely boned.
– nah, we’re completely boned.
– I wish to see our government grow a few braincells and realize that a life insureance policy that is focused on making sure your family can put you in the ground without having to beg on social media is not a money gaining scheme and stop screwing over folks who require gov aid to live.
– in the long line of “good ideas” where do you put “coming to the ugly christmas sweater themed christmas party in a skimpy dress and loudly complaining that the person you want to sexually harass isn’t there”?
– how do you survive being one of like three sober people at a company christmas party?
– “elf” is getting worse and worse on how it holds up. back in the day as a kid it was the bomb. but it’s started becoming cringe more and more as the years go by.
– how is it somehow everyone elses fault but yours when youmake the choice to NOT read the packet of info detailing the $40 monthly payment you just signed up for and suddenly you realize that there are problems with it?
– 2022 was a year full of really shitty things that happened. it also was the year in which I experienced some of the best moments of my entire life. formal request for 2023, more of the latter, less of the former. pretty please and thank you.
– if you can’t beat them, why would you join them? that just sounds like bad philosophy. imagine if hitler won ww2.

MOVE – home alone (1990) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0099785)
caleb 9/10
rafe 9/10
SONGS – rafe is alone; caleb is home
neutral milk hotel – gardenhead / leave me alone
even mentions snow!

NEXT MOVIE – the canadian conspiracy (1985) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0285470)
NEXT SONGS – canadian artists
next ep, 2022 favorite song!

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