Friend Divorces and You

the sound is fucky in the beginning because bobs_and_ravines is so powerful, he took all of caleb’s clear voice. also so powerful, bobs and rafe saw thor four! rafe continues streaming on twitch and it’s awesome! bobs makes meatloaf! caleb has come to the final boss of the TV wifi and boy, did he beat the bastards. caleb is looking forward to watching severence on appleTV. caleb had some amazing baking achievements. and tarnin suggested the offspring for the new music “book club” if you want to join the discord to listen along!

rafe’s high-low
high: bobs visit; himiko toga
low: little messes

caleb’s high-low
high: TV remedied
low: TV money wasted

– everyone has decided they hate everybody today and it’s actually going quite nicely
– dani is and will always continue to be the best
– remember to follow the ricky bobby strategy for filling out the depression questionaire: if you ain’t first, you’re last!
– can the HHT temporarily be renamed to cold cold topic to make me feel better about the heat
– the most important part of teamwork is making sure you have a team member to point and shout at when you cause problems that need to be cleaned up
– is it still kinky to call someone “master” if he’s actually earned that degree?
– a queen sized bed is big enough for two people, a king is not needed
– meeting up with internet friends is usually not awkward.
– is it EVEN KINKIER to call someone “master” when they actually have that degree.
– is it hot enough for ya?
– whats the best way to ruin a friendship

MOVIE – it seemed like a good idea at the time (1975)(
caleb 6/10
rafe 5.25/10
SONGS – bad idea
offspring – the worst hangover ever

NEXT MOVIE – tunnel vision (1976) (
NEXT SONGS – rafe is vision caleb is tunnel

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