Perceiving Tipsy (feat. Tipsy_Ink)

we convinced the lovely and talented tipsy to grace our podcast with her wit and wisdom! we learned a lot about tipsy, like her least favorite chore and good books to read. don’t forget, is doing a charity overwatch tournament, on sept 10 12pm central. tipsy will be helping run it on her channel,

tipsy’s high-low
high: fancy chair
low: writing lost

rafe’s high-low
high: laura’s chocolates
low: the phones are dead

caleb’s high-low
high: d&d
low: bookcases

– I know im late for the HHT… but what is the point of an alarm if you a) continuously hit snooze on it to stop it for 8-10 min; b) not wwake up when said alarm starts going off; c) have an alram set for noon but you work graveyard shifts so you literally come home late at night, drink til you pass out drunk and then have an alarm to ‘wake’ you a handful of hours later that only pisses the rest of the inhabitants fo the house off
– the compact disk turned 50 years old today, wtf is time
– hot tipsy topic: what is the best way to maintain the balance of stacked objects and why is it “just stack more things on top to either correct for imbalance or to press the stack into some kind of ceiling and keep everything in place using pressure”
– at what point is it acceptable to tell someone to “get the bananas out of their ears” and is the inevitable confusion worth referencing a brick joke from an NES game?
– why do some people only find fault in others?
– I have re-used a fantasy football meme team. what should my punishment be?
– why can I not drink at work? especially when i get calls from men a few years older than myself who CANNOT READ AND REFUSE TO HELP ME HELP THEM… hmm thats more of a rant…


27. if you were going to become a close friend with your partner, please share what would be important for him or her to know.
tipsy: don’t wake her up! need communication. communication is key!!
rafe: sometimes says mean things.
caleb: gets in his head and need time to recover.


MOVIE – the silent partner (1978) (
caleb 3/10
rafe 3/10
SONGS – silent
x japan – silent jealousy

NEXT MOVIE – lost and found (1979) (

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