Tag Archive for 2022

2022 Year End Review

this episode has everything. holiday concert reviews, hip problems, coffee and water obsessions, and the movies you should definitely watch for the season: guardians of the galaxy christmas specia, muppet christmas carol (with extra song), and home alone.

rafe’s high-low
high: SWAGMASS #teamRIB
low: the weekend

rafe’s 2022 high-low
high: twitch streamer
low: covid

caleb’s high-low
high: muppet christmas carol
low: hip

caleb’s 2022 high-low
high: strong marriage
low: father passing away

– the classic xmas movies – are they really that classic or is nostalgia just super heavy this time of year?
– as crappy as things can be, we aren’t completely boned.
– nah, we’re completely boned.
– I wish to see our government grow a few braincells and realize that a life insureance policy that is focused on making sure your family can put you in the ground without having to beg on social media is not a money gaining scheme and stop screwing over folks who require gov aid to live.
– in the long line of “good ideas” where do you put “coming to the ugly christmas sweater themed christmas party in a skimpy dress and loudly complaining that the person you want to sexually harass isn’t there”?
– how do you survive being one of like three sober people at a company christmas party?
– “elf” is getting worse and worse on how it holds up. back in the day as a kid it was the bomb. but it’s started becoming cringe more and more as the years go by.
– how is it somehow everyone elses fault but yours when youmake the choice to NOT read the packet of info detailing the $40 monthly payment you just signed up for and suddenly you realize that there are problems with it?
– 2022 was a year full of really shitty things that happened. it also was the year in which I experienced some of the best moments of my entire life. formal request for 2023, more of the latter, less of the former. pretty please and thank you.
– if you can’t beat them, why would you join them? that just sounds like bad philosophy. imagine if hitler won ww2.

MOVE – home alone (1990) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0099785)
caleb 9/10
rafe 9/10
SONGS – rafe is alone; caleb is home
neutral milk hotel – gardenhead / leave me alone
even mentions snow!

NEXT MOVIE – the canadian conspiracy (1985) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0285470)
NEXT SONGS – canadian artists
next ep, 2022 favorite song!

Peaks and Valleys (feat. Lucas)

look at this lucas, just crashing the #RaHaCa podcast. college womp womp. and BOATS! lots of boat talk, like CHINE. bot talk too, or just a scammer? OR TRUE LOVE?!? also rafe is dealing with new office adjustments aka beaucoup is right there how do we not talk to him all the time? #FU22 and thanks lucas for being an awesome guest!

rafe’s high-low
high: stand-up desk
low: eyeball bursting

lucas’ high-low
high: bone broth, and boat system
low: SICK

– fuck 2022, I’ve basically had a panic attack every day this year and how are you?
– why is everyone dying all of a sudden and also why is everything a conspiracy when it comes to old people??
– why did I spend most of the morning watching pilots analyzing an idiot I’d never heard of deliberately letting a plane crash?
– how many children will be named either covid or corona by the time the pandemic has ended?
– the only thing better than a partial solution is a full problem
– rafehatescaleb nfts when?
– why do my students wear less clothing the colder it gets?
– how many jackets will I leave at work before bringing one home?
– extra credit, what’s for lunch?
– why have high waisted jeans made a comeback? they looked terrible then and they look terrible now.
– heeuuuggghghgh.

MOVIE – deja vu (2006) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0453467)
lucas 7/10
rafe 7/10
SONGS – bomb
the aquabats! – chemical bomb

NEXT MOVIE – american gangster (2007) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0765429)
NEXT SONGS – drugs!