Tag Archive for blacklivesmatter

Relationship Double Stuft

caleb is uncomfortable. rafe has sinus pressure. #blacklivesmatter talk and the change we need in america. caleb wants to start a discord exercise channel. baking, classic World of Warcraft, and quarantine hobbies. reddit stuff, tinder, and rafe’s “face” massager. don’t forget to vote for the next actor – https://www.strawpoll.me/20089373

rafe’s high-low
high: tomatoes
low: phantom death

caleb’s high-low
high: memory lane through pictures
low: protests and riots

– should role pings be illegal
– give it to rafe or not to give it to rafe?
– is clarb trying out for the role of hagrid in the new harry potter movies?
– rocky IV is the best rocky and best sports film
– is clarb a real person or just rafe using a voice changer?
– would you swap the usa haggis ban for the scotland gun ban – guns or haggis?
– which is better, cheez-its or cheeze whiz
– if mary gives frank 2 apples and henry 4 apples, should she be tried as an enemy of the people and how long should she be sent to the gulags for?
– If I put rafe sticker on clarbs butt, does rafe grab the sticker?
– regular stuffed oreos > double stuft
– annihilation MCU
– veganism is a scam and not really good for you. monsanto, among others, want people to eat exclusively their GMO products so that they can own the intellectual property rights of your dinner.
– meta best hot topic? and why is it this one?
– zombies by the end of the year 2020
– also men don’t express joy very well, or at least as outwardly as women
– why am I like this? (ask yourself this)
– what is your biggest instance of buyer’s remorse?

MOVIE – line of descent (2019) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2257284)
caleb 6.5/10
rafe 4.2/10
the offspring – way down the line

NEXT MOVIE – the secret of karma (2020) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8079510)
NEXT SONGS – secret war