Tag Archive for castlevania

Caleb Hate Anime

massages, drinks, and dinner! greek place called melina. caleb finished castlevania, and the scientist picked attack on titan for the next! rafe has some big thoughts on going to the doctor and both of them have big thoughts on the government.

rafe’s high-low
high: valentine’s
low: allergies?

caleb’s high-low
high: valentine’s
low: government

– how do I stop digging this hole deeper? I keep digging and it doesn’t get better. procrastination also is ineffective.
– what are the warning signs of a cult? how do you rescue someone from there without force?
– should there be a penalty at work when someone eats your lunch that is clearly labeled?
– setting your out of office email auto response for vacation is a great feeling.
– youtube is now detecting ad blocking software and showing ads anyway. not a fan of the 13.99 per month to remove ads. (I do give money to content creators through their patreon pages or buy me a coffee)
– did “fetch” wind up happening after all?
– how badass olga of kyiv was
– what’s the most ridiculous thing that you could (not should) make a subscription?
– mean girls and les miserables are all the proof you need of amanda seyfried’s range.
– rafe, all your cold that was on backorder got dumped at my place. please come pick it up
– raise your hand if you feel you have been personally victimized by regina george
– if you could create a new department in the government, what would it be and what would it do? bonus points if you have a clever acronym

MOVIE – mean girls (2004) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0377092)
caleb 6.3/10
rafe 7.75/10
SONG – mean girls
bryce fox – horns

NEXT MOVIE – the notebook (2004) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0332280)
NEXT SONG – memories

RED 2 & Sin City: A Dame to Kill For

“there are like…. no cool songs about ice cream”

rafe starts out immediately complaining about her high-low involving her ENTIRE DAY. so get ready for that… also for her clearing her throat way too much. also politics!!! really exciting stuff about how to be prepared for voting. caleb’s high-low involved halloween and family. caleb also low-key reveals some family gossip. he’s also back on keto, that bastard. he saw the beetlejuice musical and goes into detail about it. in between all the movie and song stuff, rafe keeps interrupting about her day. she keeps remembering more stuff!!! they talk about their two bruce willis movies, RED 2 (2013) and sin city: a dame to kill for (2014). for songs, caleb is doing things you’d kill for, and rafe is looking for things. next week they’ll be reviewing another two bruce willis movies, the prince (2014) and vice (2015). caleb will be doing songs about princes and rafe is doing vices. don’t forget to TICKLE THAT LIKE BUTTON on rafe hates caleb on facebook and follow @rafehatescaleb on twitter to stay in the loop with all their shenanigans. you can also watch caleb play games sometimes on twitch.

originally recorded November 6, 2018