Tag Archive for covid-19

Eating Your Feelings

food, glorious food
like italian soda
black licorice
50/50 chance money
discord food pictures
“I” kinks! and
urgent care

rafe’s high-low
high: beaucoup
low: glamper

caleb’s high-low
high: ffr fall league win
low: couple shitty days

– ham or turkey
– thanksgiving dinner from a grocery store deli, or thanksgiving dinner from a local old people diner?
– when the fight inevitably breaks out during the thanksgiving zoom call, how many of your uncles are crazy enough to drive over to start a fist fight?
– pillsbury crescent rolls or grands biscuits?
– big thanksgiving with all the fam, or a small thanksgiving with just the fam at home?
– do you cook your stuffing in a bird or on the stovetop
– how many hours in the oven do I need to cook a 12 pound turkey?
– do you like sprinkles on baked goods, and if so, do you prefer the little ball things or the longer ones?

MOVIE – julie & julia (2009) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1135503)
caleb 7.5/10
rafe 7.25/10
SONGS – cooking BATTLE
TMBG – dinner bell

NEXT MOVIE – leap year (2010) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1216492)

Josh Hates Rafe

there may not be a caleb, but there’s a retrotainmnt! we’ve got a bit of everything: anime rants, instapot bullshit, criterion movies, dick jousting, new bed big fig, fat shaming, and congrats to mari for her next step in life with college! oh also, the best wishing time, PBJ, keto fries, winter weather, another covid-19 shutdown, and the subreddit shrinkflation. josh also picked kinks starting with the letter the J.

rafe’s high-low
high: powerful at work
low: glamper withdrawal

josh’s high-low
high: officiating caleb’s marriage
low: car windshield

– when are they gonna invent the thing that takes all these chip fragments at the bottom of the bag and reforms them into real actual chips and not handfuls of shame and spicy nacho dust
– how long did you think about that phrasing before you decided to roll with it?
– shitty kitchen utensils and cookware are a safety hazard. I may have given myself first degree burns cooking bacon. who do I send my concerns to?
– caves. existential crisis about early graves or nah?
– how do I fill the wote-shaped hole in my heart?
– is it appropriate to suggest two people charge at each other in order to plug people-shaped holes in one of them?
– who makes the best joggers that don’t stretch out at the knees?
– how much would it cost to replace my entire lawn with moss?
– if you die and get cremated, in what brand of coffee can would you like your ashes stored?
– what is the best food to eat at a post-funeral meal (assuming it isn’t your funeral)?
– why have a bbq place if you’re only open one day per week?
– if you order pizza that is rated the best in a local touristy area not typically known for its pizza, where are your expectations?
– oreo O’s are a terrible cereal that are not at like oreos
– is the fact my nephew and his friends were playing “among us but in real life” coming full circle or an indictment of the oral transmission of games like werewolf and mafia?
– should I escape reality by immersing myself in dramatic readings of AI-based civilization games?


13. if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?
rafe: where am I going to live?
josh: will my marriage last?

MOVIE – doubt (2008) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0918927)
rafe 6/10
josh 7/10
SONGS – no doubt war
sunday morning

NEXT MOVIE – night at the museum: battle of the smithsonian (2009) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1078912

Dags – D’ya Like Dags? (feat. groggydog)

what the what, another guest?!?! his hobbies are limitless. caleb talks about food with groggy, and they go through basically all the final fantasies together. speaking of hobbies, groggy’s miniatures are available on etsy! kevnobiminis to see his etsy stuff, or https://m.twitch.tv/groggydog for twitch, then https://groggy.dog for blogs! and don’t forget @groggydogFF for twitter. all the final fantasies come up, mostly. there’s a bit of covid-19 blaming, boot scuffing, caleb discovers a spawn of the flat earth society, and rafe does a small update about the ICE hystorectomy https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/29/us/ice-hysterectomies-surgeries-georgia.html
caleb also has a new video planned on the #RaHaCa youtube channel! and then we talk about about kinks starting with G, for groggydog.

rafe’s high-low
high: glamper park

caleb’s high-low
high: new chair, new phone
low: water glass punch

groggy’s high-low
high: autumn breeze
low: boot scuffer

– super early hot hot topic courtesy of a co-worker: if the world ran out of food, would you eat your pets?
– let’s say your retirement is at the end of the week. is the reduction of the number of fucks you give at work gradual or all up front at the start of the week.
– best/worst star wars movie
– why does moonshine taste so much better at 10am?
– will zeno go 3 for 3 on the weight loss challenge
– what was the first food/meal that you remember being really surprised you enjoyed, and enjoyed enough to have again? could be something you hated as a kid but loved as an adult, or something made differently by someone and blew your mind
– if you had to pick one fad to come back, what would it be?
– what constitutes “as seen on TV”? aren’t most things sold in stores advertised on TV/commercials?
also, what was your favorite or most memorable TV commercial?
– what is the time frame on a “new” product being advertised as “new”? like, are green apple sweet tart ropes really new if they came out over 6 months ago?
– sports and other things all seem to have a so-called “golden age,” that fondly-remembered time where all the players were the best and nothing bad ever happened. what golden age is 2020 a part of?
– why does my son kick my ass at wii bowling?


30. when did you last cry in front of another person? by yourself?
caleb: watching hamilton with the scientist
groggy: in new york, riding on the subway watching the river
rafe: probably while doing dishes I dunno

MOVIE – underdog (2007) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0467110)
caleb 4.5/10
rafe 4.8/10
groggy 5/10
SONGS – dog fight

NEXT MOVIE – enchanted (2007) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0461770
NEXT SONGS – fairy tale songs

Death Threats

caleb headlines with so many updates, like family, food, traveling, more food, baseball stuff, and sad stuff about camps. rafe complains a bit about work and the third star wars trilogy.

rafe’s high-low
high: glamper
low: health?

caleb’s high-low
high: baby
low: grocery store

– can we cancel summer?
– why are all geese assholes? don’t they know we have to deal with covid and we don’t need their bullshit?
– wouldn’t it be gander-shit not bull-shit?
– why is healthy food more expensive than shitty food
– what are the raccoons planning?
– why in the holy fuck did the power company here schedule a planned power outage to do maintenance in fucking July???
– what is the optimal location for a light source for a bad zoom call
– if you were rolling a character for real life, what personality traits would you pick if you intended to be successful?
– your mom’s coming to visit. what do you clean first? What do you ignore?
– what’s the worst angle for your webcam during a zoom meeting?

MOVIE – serving sarah (2002) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0261289)
caleb 3/10
rafe 5/10
SONGS – serving WAR
offspring – the future is now

NEXT MOVIE – catch me if you can (2002) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0264464)
NEXT SONGS – being caught

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