Tag Archive for element songs

The Fifth Element (1997)

hard-hitting vine reenactments start off this mess with I love you and I miss you (hunnnn), country boy I love youuuuu, and I want to see my little boy – here he comes. then while caleb talks work, ANOTHER vine comes up – you better watch out. ok I think we are fully vined out for now. caleb is controlling facebook, rafe is doing keto stuff, and also freaking out about everything. especially okcupid. rafe gives more updates on keto and some her food decisions. oh my god!! speaking of, the best moment in troll 2. rafe has been following some new subreddits… yeah. caleb tear apart the trailer for venom. he’s planning on seeing something important this weekend in the theater, too. speaking of movies, caleb wants to watch a ghost story because… well, he says stuff. rafe wasn’t paying attention. she was probably messaging some dude on okcupid. they watched bruce willis in the fifth element and caleb totally lays into it with vicious opinions. they did songs about elements. next week, they’ll be watching bruce willis in the jackal and doing jack black songs. don’t forget to DEFILE THAT LIKE BUTTON on rafe hates caleb on facebook and follow @rafehatescaleb on twitter to stay in the loop with all their shenanigans. you can also watch caleb play games sometimes on twitch.

originally recorded April 24, 2018