Tag Archive for food

Her Mask Rash

the week was “fine.” caleb has some new about house stuff, bread, spiderman, and food. rafe has been tasked with actually dating, is excited about gifts which is weird, they go through their lenten requirements, and do kinks starting with W! also rafe wants people to send stuff for caleb to read aloud… let’s get weird with the hot hot topics!

rafe’s high-low
high: kaldaka gifts
low: work

caleb’s high-low
high: bed get
low: sourdough starter

– why do people insist on the term “hydration” when everyone’s still using anything BUT water to do that? wouldn’t “internal moisturizing” fit better?
– would you rather have soft hands and calloused feet or soft feet and calloused hands?
– where do you draw the line?
– why does the phrase “internal moisturizing” do the things it does to me?
– how important is the “mystery” part in a murder mystery? wouldn’t it be super awesome if all characters in a murder mystery knew all things at all times including who did it but apparently not the specific spot they’re standing in at that moment in time? would this show be considered a speedrun?
– what makes you happy when it happens in february? me? IT’S FUCKING 72° OUTSIDE!
– if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck but doesn’t swim like a duck, what is the likelihood that it is a duck
– why is fizzle calling me out for still being a duck? QUACK
– why is sloth one of the 7 deadly sins, but sloths are the chillest animals out there?
– when people say you’re only as old as you feel, why doesn’t that apply to things like the drinking age?
– what do you yell at young people when you don’t have a lawn for them to get off of?
– is using filters on food pics and dating sites a cheat code? should people who use filters be put on their own separate “cheater island”?
– bacon: crispy or soft?
– how many toppings are too many on a NY style thin-crust pizza?
– which are the best adventure games (of the point and click variety)? the only one I am super familiar with is Maniac mansion, even though I have played others.

MOVIE – her (2013) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1798709)
caleb 8/10
rafe 7.1/10
SONGS – her songs
hootie & the blowfish – let her cry

NEXT MOVIE – american hustle (2013) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1800241)
NEXT SONGS – hustle songs

Parking Wars

valentine’s day, UGH. but hey they got a themed kink, the letter V! how fun. caleb is in a lot of pain, rafe is very loud and angry, and they talk about food. A LOT. enjoy these #RaHaCa moments while they last.

rafe’s high-low
high: tiktok followers
low: parking spot

caleb’s high-low
high: italian market
low: fucked up back and neck

– how come no one ever told me I could just set up my computer on a coffee table, get a comfy floor chair, and not have to give a fuck about sitting at my computer for hours because I can just constantly adjust how I’m sitting and even stretch out?
– what’s the most festive way to spruce up the corner of my apartment I sit alone and cry in during valentine’s day? also which comfort food is the most corner compatible?
– is rafe hates caleb the podcast equivalent of a gateway drug, or is it basically heroin and only death or rehab follows?
– why does caleb not send me personal invites to the 38364629103837 ffr races he does a day?
– what is the best valentine’s candy?
– what is the limit on re-watching the same show with different people and different starting points?
– is it a bad sign that even the online dating bots that prey on desperate dudes have given up on me?
– which style am I aiming for next? SPEED AND POWER + almost infinite resurrection, or CARDZ GO PEW PEW + almost infinite resurrection
– is there a way to skip the awfulness that is sunday and go straight to monday and candy being 50% off?

MOVIE – trouble with the curve (2012) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2083383/)
caleb 5/10
rafe 5/10
SONGS – rafe is trouble, caleb’s all curves
beastie boys – triple trouble

NEXT MOVIE – man of steel (2013) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0770828)
NEXT SONGS – steel fight

Up On the Mic

caleb and rafe have a grand time bullshitting and laughing at their own jokes. caleb talks about his favorite food youtube channels where he gets inspiration, like j. kenji lopez-alt (who caleb tags on insta like a fanboy), babish, food wishes, and josh weissman. rafe is super stoked that patoogins (https://patoogins.com) started a line of artisan, local foods. now patoogins has delicious-tasting stuff to go with their delicious-smelling stuff! special shout out to macskull, for helping rafe download city of heroes homecoming. caleb and rafe also spend an uncomfortable amount of time speaking very close to the mic.

rafe’s high-low
high: keto carrot cake
low: eight years

caleb’s high-low
high: finished quantum leap
low: family got covid

– would brief jerky qualify as edible underwear?
– follow up: who is going to volunteer to try it out
– why am I going to all this effort to repair this damn paper feed roller?
– why did you skip my hot hot topic last week?
– why is fizzle basing a game strategy after my eat habits?
– why do some people actually like winter/any kind of cold weather? I’m miserable from october to at least april and don’t get it.
– GME sinking like the brick and mortar stores it represents, HODL or nah
– how many cans of fix a flat do you need to completely rebuild a tire and how do I hook my friend up with a bulk deal for both tires?
– what’s the best car you have ever owned (or leased)?
– if you could walk into a room with your own walk-in music, like in wrestling, what would it be? would you have visuals as well, like pyrotechnics or vertically-challenged people?
– are the detectives on law and order SVU kink shamers?
– we allow online gambling now for sports, racing, etc. so why is online poker still black-listed in the USA?
– which is your top 3 favorite ps1 rpg’s off the top of your head.
– is it nerdier to play video games or watch others play video games?
– was rafe’s palace always a palace, or was it like a small ranch that she kept building up? or is it simply a palace in her mind?

MOVIE – the master (2012) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1560747)
caleb 3/10
rafe 3/10
SONGS – master songs

NEXT MOVIE – trouble with the curve (2012) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2083383)
NEXT SONGS – rafe is trouble, caleb’s all curves

Gamestonk! 🚀

suuuuuuure this is a good episode, with gamestop stock talk, down with the uber rich, ultra-liberal political corner ranting. rafe is intimidated by stairs, caleb has been working like crazy, and quantum leap is getting crazier. caleb may also throw away all his clothes. stay tuned for future episodes! dani was kind enough to pick the letter S for kinks and rafe spends an uncomfortable amount of time discussing each one. also there was some talk about pasta, olive garden, and felonies.

rafe’s high-low
high: #75hard compliments
low: #75hard

caleb’s high-low
high: d&d weekend
low: #75hard wall break

– is this whole gamestop stock thing hilarious to everyone, or just the kind of nerd who assumes people know what he means when he says “gamestop stock thing”?
– is there anything more inherently depressing than the veggie sammiches left untouched on a work function platter, and is it bad that I sympathize with them
– should lordfizzlebeef be promoted to master of carbonated cows?
– which is the better strategy: eating forever at an all you can eat buffet and defeating your enemies just by rolling your huge body forward, or flinging yourself at a brick wall with almost infinite resurrect and “every time you resurrect you get slightly stronger”? I need tips for a roguelike deckbuilder and those are my two options.
– coke with coffee made it to the US, good thing or uh oh?
– handjobs, blowjobs or boob jobs. which is the superior method?

MOVIE – on the road (2012) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0337692)
caleb 5.75/10
rafe 4.8/10
SONGS – street songs
epoxies – walk the street

NEXT MOVIE – the master (2012) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1560747)
NEXT SONGS – master songs

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