Tag Archive for gen con indy

Gen Con 2021

in this special episode, our LordFizzlebeef (fizzle if you’re friends) and rafe gush about gen con indy 2021. also there’s a little bit of food talk (rafe flexes so hard on fizzle) and adult romance novels and anime like “welcome to demon school! iruma-kun.” hope everyone is having a great start to their autumn! and hope you got to go to gen con 2021. if not, see you there next year!

rafe’s high-low
high: gen con
low: 75fail

fizzle’s high-low
high: gen con
low: united

– 90 minute commutes are bullshit
– why is my meatsuit so flawed?
– when is the podcast name being changed to “rafe hates calebs”
– what the absolute fuck is USPS doing that it takes 2 months to go from a person submitting an application until they are cleared to start training (ps – order your presents now or you aren’t getting them until february like last year)
– VR headsets are cool, but it makes you wonder if we’re all just virtual characters in a virtual world. if this were the case, why are the people/things controlling us such sadists?
– how much of a pay bump would you need to move to a new company?
– if tipping was done away with, what should servers make an hour? also, when will server minimum wage go up past $2.13 an hour?

MOVIE – devil in a blue dress(1995) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0112857)
fizzle 6/10
rafe 5.5/10
SONGS – blue songs
new order – blue monday
fizzle: final fantasy 3 the boundless ocean

NEXT MOVIE – courage under fire (1996) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0115956)
NEXT SONGS – fire! courage!