Tag Archive for happy texas

Would You Like to Play a Game?

rafe read the news again. news about the collapse of humanity, and also how horrible people are working on small changes to contraception laws so that eventually, they may not be allowed a ALL.

caleb has exciting news about a ffr cooking show! it’ll be this sunday, 3pm eastern, on @finalfantasyrandomizer. caleb came up with a fun game involving band names and subreddits. play along, join the discord, and let us know how you did!

CHRYSALISM is the word of the week.

rafe’s high-low
high: art/d&d
low: cicadas

caleb’s high-low
high: world of warcraft mists of pandaria
low: so tired

– what are acceptable times to ping, text, or call someone? how does it vary for you based on person and circumstances?
– what should I do with myself this summer?
– vacation or staycation?
– If you could have an animal sidekick or companion that travelled with you everywhere, and you could converse with – what would it be? mine would be a raccoon. we would plan so many heists.
– after rafe’s science talk on radioactive incidents on stream this week, what is one topic that completely hooks you, and makes you want to learn more about it? some people have true crime, paranormal stories etc.
– one album, movie or game release you’re looking forward to this year? or has already been released. for me the new decemberists album that arrives 14th june
– how excited is too excited to realize you can just walk across the street and buy a loaf of french bread at jimmy john’s whenever you want? and as a follow-up, is it weird to just want to buy a loaf of bread and, like, walk a few miles while eating it?

MOVIE – happy, texas (1999) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0162360)
caleb 7/10
rafe 7/10
SONG – rafe is happy and caleb is texas
no doubt – happy now (tragic kingdom 1995)

NEXT MOVIE – mystery men (1999) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0132347)
NEXT SONG – mystery