Tag Archive for abortion rights

Mind Your Own Business

caleb had many hot sauces. twinstrumental wanted coke. mari wanted cottage cheese and mustard. rafe delivered. there were some great topics and as always, lovely people in chat. it was a fantastic 450th celebration! Here’s to DOUBLE THAT.

rafe’s high-low
high: friends and family
low: six pounds

caleb’s high-low
high: bro time with army buddy
low: emotional wrecked

– if you want us to mind our own goddamn business, why are you asking the question?
– are there people in your life who only refer to you by your last name—either mr., ms., miss, mx. or by only your last name. I assume that since caleb was in the military, this would happen more with him, but I could be wrong.
– is there such a thing as owning too many dildos or is that none of my business?
– why are the people who want all the goss and don’t mind their own business just the worst?
– I’m from a generation where people kept many of their problems to themselves. one good thing with the covid pandemic was that mental illness and treatment of such was brought to the forefront. one thing that isn’t talked about a lot is eating disorders, specifically in men. as someone who has an eating disorder, I rarely—if ever—hear other men talking about this type of problem. what are your thoughts on this topic?
– when do you step in and stop minding your own business? mine would be anytime I see someone being treated with disrespect or hurt that can’t speak for themselves…. where’s the line?
– I got an award for doing too much at work. it includes even more work. why can’t the administration just mind their own gawddamn business and leave me alone?!? or at least give me a cash award?

MOVIE – a private matter (1992) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105176)
caleb 5/10
rafe 5/10
SONGS – private

NEXT MOVIE – a murderous affair: the carolyn warmus story (1992) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0104943)
NEXT SONG – affairs

Rage Never Changes

rafe is so angry. about stupid politicians. fuck them. caleb had a great weekend, though, and they both reminisce about TV dinners in the 1980’s and 1990’s. there’s also a hot water update. and also caleb visited the fly ace brewery in virginia. so many things happening. especially rage.

shakespearean phrase! https://wewererogue.tumblr.com/post/187830447596/compilation-of-shakespearean-insults
word of the week! https://www.mypigradio.com/some-of-the-best-words-literally-ever/

rafe’s high-low
high: kibun healthy noodles
low: phone project

caleb’s high-low
high: hot water
low: shots shots shots

– how long should I wait before exercising my right as a historian to speak ill of the dead? ’cause there’s a lot of dead I’m itching to speak ill of.
– what do you consider “living your best life” and why is it “in line at mod pizza in pajama pants waiting to order because the drive thru you went to was no longer accepting cards and you’re not going home without food”
– what do you do if you’re a part of a multi-team effort that doesn’t go well, multiple teams are clearly at fault, and you own up to your team’s part of the fault, but the other teams refuse to take responsibility for their misses? is it burn down the building? because it’s starting to look like a viable solution.
– positive affirmations from a random stranger increase my mood/productivity. positive affirmations from my supervisor make me want to kick his teeth in.
– airplanes not being wheelchair accessible is absolute bullshit. someone fix this shit, this bitch has travel needs

MOVIE – the blues brothers (1980) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080455)
caleb 8/10
rafe 5.5/10
SONGS – the blues
nat king cole – st. louis blues (1958 movie)

NEXT MOVIE – double negative (1980) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080656)
NEXT SONGS – double negatives (ain’t no; don’t know nothin)

Just Make it Through the Night

the senate tried to protect women’s abortion rights and it failed. y’all need to stay the hell away from rafe’s uterus. caleb and rafe are both filling the void with shopping, like butcherbox, amazon, and men’s clothes shopping. caleb got a new cook book! about bread! bread science by emily buehler. caleb is watching a new netflix show that reminds him of stephen king. rafe has way too many amazon returns. they talk about masks at concert venues, baseball games, and movie theaters. caleb had a great experience at the theater. so many rants. also rafe learns what boosting can mean. “there are no bugs; we’re all going to die.”

rafe’s high-low
high: headset
low: too hot and also abortion rights are too limited

caleb’s high-low
high: spending money & midnight mass
low: disney+ or internet? and d&d

– when is nap time?
– do I have to go to work?
– if you were building a new instrument, what color would you stain the wood?
– why is magic so magicy?
– do I need to cosplay as bubble boy if I want to go to live concerts again? and if so, tell me why I shouldn’t get into the mosh pit
– do you believe in conspiracies? chemtrails? aliens? werewolves and vampires that are pining away their whole lives for a generic teenager?
– why did my brother’s ex-gf send me a dick pic of some dude she was planning to screw that night?
– how can so many bad things happen to a person when that person is clearly just “being themselves” despite all the haters?
– why do all these people I date have thoughts and feelings of their own? why don’t they just do everything I want and only ever things for me?
– my boss asked me to interfere in an ongoing legal dispute with an ex employee that is also my friend. how terrible is that friend for not liking me butting in and cancelling travel plans with me? how dare they not appreciate all the valuable time I spent with them. clearly this entire chain of events is my bosses fault. (reminder: hot hot saga is all about a single person and they are unfortunately real)

MOVIE – coneheads (1993) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0106598)
caleb 7.5/10
rafe 7/10
SONGS – head
aquabats – cat with 2 heads

NEXT MOVIE – wayne’s world 2 (1993) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0108525)
NEXT SONGS – world