Tag Archive for hertz


a lovely episode in person where they talk about the important things in life, like notebook ownership, handwriting, and eyelashes. there are also some wedding updates, tooth issues, and nerds. rafe is blasting activism through #BlackoutFriday and anarchy, and also begging for a #75hard buddy if you know what I mean. also hertz sucks and rafe and caleb are boycotting them as a car rental service. you should, too.

rafe’s high-low
high: games again
low: hertz sucks

caleb’s high-low
high: wedding prepped
low: tooth decay

– why are there so many hot single people in my area, and why must they be so persistent on meeting me?
– I DID THE THING! I put together an adult outfit. Who’s proud of me?
– anime made by a cult, yay or nay?
– what’s the weirdest shit someone has shouted at you
– what is a pizza topping that would end a first date? and I’m talking weird shiz, like gummy bears or pickles. that’s right, relax that gag reflex on your mental journey, it’s gonna get weird
– clarb’s wedding is approaching, and for some reason he and the scientist pick me to pick their first dance somg. I give them exactly 3 choices, and they have to dance through the entire unedited song. what should they choose?
1. “closer” by nine inch nails
2. “big balls” by AC/DC
3. “chocolate rain” by tay zonday
– oh fuck it’s another travel day tomorrow please don’t be turboshit
– does anyone else imagine an actual portal when they say “such-and-such player has entered the transfer portal”? I envision the dude spinning and disappearing into the distance in that doctor who wormhole in the intro.
– when introducing someone to a game series, is it better to start them with one of the strongest titles to get them hooked, or one of the middle-of-the-road titles to calibrate their expectations?
– what is the best gift you ever received for the holidays?
– would doing a pottery class for my anniversary be sexy or gross?

MOVIE – the hurricane (1999) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0174856)
caleb 4.9/10
rafe 4.8/10
SONGS – hurricanes

NEXT MOVIE – remember the titans (2000) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0210945)
NEXT SONGS – remembering fight