Tag Archive for high lows

Classified Bread

rafe’s new obsession: homemade overnight healthy oats. and thrive market. you can get 40% off your first order here! http://thrv.me/kfMuZF

her rough recipe:
20g rolled oats
5g chia seeds
5g ground flax seed
15 grams whey protein powder (flavored if desired)
5 grams pumpkin seeds
5 grams hemp hearts
20ml half & half
30ml water (give or take)

mix it all together, cover, set overnight, then enjoy!

caleb made so much bread, namely his own italian bread recipe. he has a bunch of tips for baking bread at home! they also talked about the alleged signal messages that were used to coordinate an attack on yemen. big talks.

rafe’s high-low
high: overnight oats
low: work

caleb’s high-low
high: double d&d
low: the news

– when was the last time you pulled an all-nighter and what was the reason?
– If you found yourself in a super secret military messaging thread, what would you do?

NEXT MOVIE – red eye (2005) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0421239)
caleb 6.25/10
rafe 6.25/10
NEXT SONG – staying up late
morgan page – reason for living

NEXT MOVIE – the family stone (2005) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0356680)
NEXT SONG – stones

Rafe’s Travel Tips

rafe is back and has immediate sinus issues. is rafe’s place is trying to kill her? caleb watched sorry to bother you, they cloned tyrone, and played final fantasy tactics on ALL the consoles. and big news about therapy!

rafe’s high-low
high: travels
low: coming back

caleb’s high-low
low: federal job unknown

– what is the best response when you give your child a chore list and they responsed with “where’s your chore list”?
– when two kid siblings grow up. who does it fall upon in keeping of the family video games etc?
– if your significant other cant sleep and asks you to stay up with them. is wrong to say no?
– why are mornings so bad but afternoons so nice?
– totally unrelated but why is bed so comfy?
– pete rose-hall of fame
– do traditions end or does it change to another form or activity?
– would you consider first dates as cosplay events? (think about it hard)
– what’s a podcast? I forget. have you two done one before? what are they like?
– have you been in a car crash? what happened?
– is it easier to crash a wedding/reception or a family reunion?
– how many weddings have you attended that you actually enjoyed? this includes the reception.
– is it ok to crash a wedding as long as you bring a gift?
– what is the best and worst food that can be served at a wedding?

NEXT MOVIE – wedding crashers (2005) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0396269)
caleb 7.5/10
rafe 8/10
NEXT SONG – getting married
aquabats – monsters wedding

NEXT MOVIE – red eye (2005) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0421239)
NEXT SONG – staying up late

Caleb Was a Bad Student

d&d, some BRIEF government stuff, and very exciting advances in food preservation technology! rafe and caleb both go down playstation memory lane, too.

rafe’s high-low
high: vine callback
low: food

caleb’s high-low
high: butter bell
low: federal firings

– I guess it DID happen. (⁠rahaca-doom-palace⁠)
– even though some states have legalized marijuana. should a company still be able to fire employees who come to work high?
– why is it that vampires must ask for permission to enter a house. but werewolfs can just jump through windows etc?
– when says that your too much for them. should be that be taken as an compliment or insult?
– debate on whether spiral or bound notebooks are better. I’m pro spiral
– did you have a trapper keeper when you were in school
– what’s the correct match of notebook colors to subjects? e.g. science is blue, math is red. yellow is english, green is history
– did you ever have a themed lunchbox? matching thermos?
– with the digital age came the onset of digital text documents. has this hurt the way we see and use physical notebooks to the point that future generations won’t earn any cool kid points for having the best lisa frank stickers on theirs?

MOVIE – the notebook (2004) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0332280)
caleb 4.5/10
rafe 4.5/10
SONG – memories
of montreal – I can’t stop your memory

NEXT MOVIE – wedding crashers (2005) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0396269)
NEXT SONG – getting married

Caleb Hate Anime

massages, drinks, and dinner! greek place called melina. caleb finished castlevania, and the scientist picked attack on titan for the next! rafe has some big thoughts on going to the doctor and both of them have big thoughts on the government.

rafe’s high-low
high: valentine’s
low: allergies?

caleb’s high-low
high: valentine’s
low: government

– how do I stop digging this hole deeper? I keep digging and it doesn’t get better. procrastination also is ineffective.
– what are the warning signs of a cult? how do you rescue someone from there without force?
– should there be a penalty at work when someone eats your lunch that is clearly labeled?
– setting your out of office email auto response for vacation is a great feeling.
– youtube is now detecting ad blocking software and showing ads anyway. not a fan of the 13.99 per month to remove ads. (I do give money to content creators through their patreon pages or buy me a coffee)
– did “fetch” wind up happening after all?
– how badass olga of kyiv was
– what’s the most ridiculous thing that you could (not should) make a subscription?
– mean girls and les miserables are all the proof you need of amanda seyfried’s range.
– rafe, all your cold that was on backorder got dumped at my place. please come pick it up
– raise your hand if you feel you have been personally victimized by regina george
– if you could create a new department in the government, what would it be and what would it do? bonus points if you have a clever acronym

MOVIE – mean girls (2004) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0377092)
caleb 6.3/10
rafe 7.75/10
SONG – mean girls
bryce fox – horns

NEXT MOVIE – the notebook (2004) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0332280)
NEXT SONG – memories

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