Tag Archive for lay the favorite

Lay the Favorite & The Cold Light of Day

a bit of uplifting news about bruce willis being kind starts off this episode. happy october, everyone. rafe spends time griping about her low. caleb looked on box office mojo and is impressed on little women’s opening weekend (limited release). he also talks a bit about the restaurant, then his high-low involved drinking NOOOOO WAYYYYY GUYS. and pokemon go… yeah. rafe brings up some random shit like streaming services and pirating shows. also a silly title to an article that could be misconstrued into the best burlesque show ever. caleb is pretty interested in the animated spider man trailer and star wars 80’s anime style. they talk a bit more about the los angeles trip, mostly about rafe’s stupid face. caleb found a great store for rafe involving soaps called joyful bath co! caleb nerds out about dungeons and dragons and the roll20 subreddit drama. and… random QOTD from eight years ago that makes no sense. WHAT COULD IT MEAN?! they talk about their two bruce willis movies, lay the favorite (2012) and the cold light of day (2012). for songs, caleb is trash, rafe is red, billy is getting old. next week they’ll be reviewing another two bruce willis movies, moonrise kingdom (2012) and the expendables 2 (2012). caleb will be doing songs about kingdoms and rafe is even more trash. don’t forget to LICK THAT LIKE BUTTON on rafe hates caleb on facebook and follow @rafehatescaleb on twitter to stay in the loop with all their shenanigans. you can also watch caleb play games sometimes on twitch.

originally recorded October 2, 2018