Tag Archive for oscars

Delightfully Down

rafe blabbers a lot about her happy week, revolving around keto. caleb talks a bit about humblebrags, chili cook off, GGs, oscar movies, sobriety brain, d&d,and skin stuff.

rafe’s high-low
high: danny phantom
low: more 1909 image problems

caleb’s high-low
high: oscar lazy hangout day
low: FFR admin bullshit

– Iowa caucuses
– FF7 Remake
– Bird Real Estate Law
– weather!
– Fire: The light which illuminates mankind or the all-consuming destroyer?
– Butts: best thing ever, or best thing of all time?
– Asses or Booties: You decide.
– Bedonkadonks or Glutes: You decide.
– Socks!
– drinking: how do you measure it in sheets? What does “three sheets to the wind” really measure?
– Cutting pizza with scissors:  weird or no?
– Is that cat alive in that box?

MOVIE – the last time (2006) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0469689)
caleb 5.7/10
rafe 5.1/10
SONGS – the last time
mindless self indulgence – Last Time I Tried to Rock Your World

NEXT MOVIE – the air I breathe (2007) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0485851)
NEXT SONGS – rafe is chinese and caleb is proverbs

Nobody’s Fool (1994)

GAY VATICAN!! did that get your attention? what about sam rockwell at the academy awards, which caleb forgot to watch? after that, rafe updates her lenten progress and they think about what to give up next year. always got to think ahead. caleb shares the “explain a film plot badly” tweet about thor: ragnarok and makes rafe guess other marvel movies. rafe goes through her weekend, namely that she saw black panther. caleb gets hyped about avengers: infinity war coming soon! caleb details his lent update and how he’s saving money thanks to it. rafe is interested in resetting her body’s want of food and caleb tells juicing horror stories. and then there’s the baroque joke. it’s good, guys. trust the podcast. rafe and caleb talk about the bruce willis movie this week, nobody’s fool. caleb did songs about fools and rafe did songs with nobody. rafe has a new kickstarter card game called potato pirates and caleb relives some of his kindergarten shenanigans. rafe loses her shit again watching this guy moaned at least this loud. next week, they’ll be watching bruce willis in die hard with a vengeance and doing songs about revenge. don’t forget to SWEET TALK THAT LIKE BUTTON on rafe hates caleb on facebook and follow @rafehatescaleb on twitter to stay in the loop with all their shenanigans. you can also watch caleb play games sometimes on twitch.

originally recorded March 6, 2018