Tag Archive for spooktacular

Spooktacular 2015!

are you ready for the second annual SPOOKTACULAR?!?! rafe and caleb bring their A game, and by that we mean they drink a lot. don’t forget to play along: drink when they say SPOOKTACULAR, fun, or laugh at each other. also whenever someone swears. caleb talks about his overly stressful life, mostly involving too much work. rafe is pretty stoked about her weekend in branson that was much better than expected. she wend to ernie biggs dueling piano bar and talking rocks cavern. rafe goes through some horror movies she watched to ramp up for halloween, and caleb has some opinions about everything. he rants a bit about filmmaking. caleb made some mario maker wii-u levels under the name rafehatescaleb so you should probably play them. you won’t believe the name of one of the levels. they get off-topic with mad tv’s stuart. caleb finally saw sweeny todd at the laurel mill playhouse, in the theatre. they sing a little. rafe talks about peter frampton with platypus lips and gushes a bit about jake stormoen at his miracle maker premiere. while discussing sam rockwell’s poltergeist, rafe and caleb have a complete laugh meltdown. anyway, caleb keeps comparing the old and new poltergeist while rafe never saw the old one. they did songs about ghosts. they get caught up in discussing supernatural. caleb keeps burping. next week, hair high and songs about hair! don’t forget to like rafe hates caleb on facebook and follow @rafehatescaleb on twitter to stay in the loop with all their shenanigans.

originally recorded October 26, 2015

Raising Genius

rafe’s voice sounds a little muffled. blame it on the sound board travelling back from salt lake city. they talk about sensory deprivation and bullshit movies. rafe’s excited about james marsters and some dragon warriors pictures. rafe experiments with periscope. caleb has an ear crisis. rafe talks about the ibrick. caleb has had a rough week, but it gets better with going to a musical. he’s also been enjoying harmontown. they watched raising genius, finally, and both have gripes about it. caleb is reminded of a gruesome scene in very bad things. songs were about geniuses. smart songs. at first, rafe and caleb think they’re doing hair high as the next movie but then THEY REMEMBER SPOOKTACULAR 2016 OOOOOoooOOoooOOOooo!!! watching poltergeist and songs about ghosts. the bright place is about a 75 year old veteran protecting kids at a library. don’t forget to like rafe hates caleb on facebook and follow @rafehatescaleb on twitter to stay in the loop with all their shenanigans.

originally recorded October 18, 2015

Spooktacular 2014

it’s the first annual rafe hates caleb SPOOKTACULAR!! oooOOOOoooohhh!!!! very exciting things in this episode. FIRST, there’s a drinking game. feel free to play along. drink whenever someone says halloween, rafe is dumb, rafe says she hates caleb, or anytime they say SPOOKTACULAR.
apparently when rafe drinks, she says “like” a lot. like, a lot. caleb and rafe go through the reasons they love halloween, the movies that scare, that delight, that strike fear into the heart of rafe (because caleb’s a hardass). let’s not forget movies that have sam rockwell in them… aka CLOWNHOUSE. learn creepy things about the director! rafe and caleb talk about their memorable costumes, discuss zombies, and caleb makes fun of rafe for liking goats. they discuss halloween BACK IN MY DAY because they are old. both of them have moments of “have you ever had a dream?” it’s charming, really. they were going to edit them out but this is what drinking is all about – making mistakes and laughing about it. they also have special SPOOKTACULAR (oooOOOOoooohhh!) songs this week. and and and rafe talks about LASER DOG written by greg mccrary (you should read it for reals tho). it’s a fun comic and it’s cheap! go buy it! and enjoy this screaming goat. on a side note, we promise rafe isn’t a pedophile; the guy involved in her weekend is a full-grown non-furry adult. supernatural monsters/beings are debated (spoiler alert: caleb wins)(spoiler alert: ACTUAL SPOILERS). rafe’s going to be boring and stay home on halloween but caleb’s going to rock out with PAIN! which is his buddy kyle’s band. they hope you get to have a great time on this SPOOKTACULAR halloween.

we’re giving away the lootcrate walking dead print. you can have one entry by doing one of the following. if you do THREE of the following, you’ll get two entries. if you do ALL of the following, you’ll get three entries. the giveaway ends november 7, 2014 and we’ll announce a winner within a week.
1. RT rafe hates caleb SPOOKTACULAR tweet (this will be tweeted on october 31, 2014)
2. tweet your own haunted-house-reaction pic or horror movie using #RafehatesCaleb #Spooktacular2014
3. post your own haunted-house-reaction pic on your facebook wall and tag the rafe hates caleb page
4. comment on the rafe hates caleb page with your favorite scary movie

originally recorded October 26, 2014

All I Can Say

we tallied how many times rafe says solid. can you guess how many times? rafe admits she would spend more money (NO WAY). caleb goes through his insane schedule but that’s irrelevant now because this was originally recorded in july. sorry, caleb stalkers. although we DO know rafe has picked where caleb will live for the next 5-10 years. rafe tells some boring tech and cell phone stories. well, so does caleb. cellphone data plans, seriously guys? and talking about the weather?!?! boring-ass fuckers. hearing caleb diagnose sam rockwell‘s character in “confessions of a dangerous mind” is pretty legit. both of them talk about animated gifs and pronounce gifs like gifs instead of like gifs, which rafe hates. oh, and supernatural slash fiction is amazing. they drool over good hamburgers and greasy food and argue about chinese food. rafe gets sad about cord not liking fat girls and caleb solves all of rafe’s drinking problems. there are songs somewhere in there, too. oh, and hot dogs in the face. solid.

we’re giving away the lootcrate walking dead print. you can have one entry by doing one of the following. if you do THREE of the following, you’ll get two entries. if you do ALL of the following, you’ll get three entries. the giveaway ends november 2, 2014 and we’ll announce a winner within a week.
1. RT rafe hates caleb SPOOKTACULAR tweet (this will be tweeted on october 31, 2014)
2. tweet your own haunted-house-reaction pic or horror movie using #RafehatesCaleb #Spooktacular2014
3. post your own haunted-house-reaction pic on your facebook wall and tag the rafe hates caleb page
4. comment on the rafe hates caleb page with your favorite scary movie

originally recorded July 27, 2014

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