Tag Archive for training day

Lucas Saves the Day (feat. Lucas)

caleb has decided a honeymoon is more important than the RaHaCa podcast sooooo here goes another fantastic episode with lucas! rafe tried pawpaw jam and it was great (thanks, caleb). bring in the POD. pillows! lucas tells us a story about a pillow fight. also a breakup story. and what kind of questions you should ask a partner. they also talk about thanksgiving traditions, deer hunting, how to spend the lottery, and a bunch of other fun things.

rafe’s high-low
high: sleeping in my own bed
low: didn’t see boy

lucas’ high-low
high: booster
low: thumb and deer lease fail

– as an american, I know the value of using objects as a form of measurement (bro-dawg, that cow was 2 shopping carts long!), and as a soda pop drinker, would soda cans be used as a valid universal means of measurement? (bro-seidon, that dude was like… 15 dew’s tall!) since it’s easily accessible?
– alcapurria may be my new favorite food discovery — what’s the best thing you just discovered with regard to food?
– is it appropriate to just go get some fuckin’ hibachi for thanksgiving instead of unlimited turkey works?
– what do you think is the most overrated thanksgiving dish?
– if you had to live off of one meat for the rest of your life what meat would it be?
– have you ever made a wish on the “wishbone” of a turkey? what would be your wish this year?
– would you consider yourselves master basters?
– turkey gravy, ham gravy, or man gravy?
– is thanksgiving the best holiday of the year, and if not, why do you choose to be so wrong?
– I’ve caught so many puerto rican pokémon and I have no one to trade them to
– the only thing more annoying then catching covid is having room mates constantly be like “OMG I HAD A COUGH LAST WEEK I GAVE IT TO YOU” when it’s like no, it’s from work, please stop. (found out this morning)
– how many people’s holidays can I ruin this year by being out of a product at work. spoiler, so far its none thankfully lol
– sprouting wings would be an easier way for me to fly than taking a plane and it’s complete bullshit.
– my worry meter was broken earlier today and I’m currently stress eating nachos. in preparation for thanksgiving tomorrow, what’s the best/easiest holiday food to stress eat?

NEXT MOVIE – training day (2001) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0139654)
lucas 9/10
rafe 4.2/10

NEXT MOVIE – john q (2002) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0251160)
NEXT SONGS – johns
billy but not that billy