Tag Archive for world of warcraft

Jeepers Creepers 2

caleb brings up crossroads again because apparently whoever wrote is a pretty big deal. caleb was forced to watch grey’s anatomy and tries to recap a portion of the show and it may or may not be completely inaccurate. rafe complains about netflix and they play the interrupting game. it’s gets worse – caleb goes on a detailed explanation of playing world of warcraft. he also debates buying a wii-u. gary made a rap!!!! go listen to it! caleb continues to nerd out with the new star wars movies, mostly rogue one. he’s back up and running with dude watches for the leftovers, something rafe will never see because she doesn’t have hbo. they talk about jeepers creepers 2 and rafe tries her best to stay on track but she gets a little stupid. supernatural comes up again, because it makes everything better. caleb nitpicks. enjoy. songs are about part two or seconds. they laugh about key & peele because who wouldn’t… and prepare your buttholes: there are THREE bright places. next week will be raising genius and songs about being smart AND RAFE AND CALEB WILL BE IN THE SAME ROOM. don’t forget to like rafe hates caleb on facebook and follow @rafehatescaleb on twitter to stay in the loop with all their shenanigans.

originally recorded October 6, 2015

Drinking With Brony

well, it finally happened. brony is a guest on the podcast. he’s drinking. everyone is drinking. rafe’s super excited that she got to share POWERTHIRST with her coworkers. caleb and brony make horrible noises. caleb is still on tinder and having okay luck. he’s totally cool with people googling him. caleb found a new subreddit that’s… boobs. they talk about the cosby show because the main guy in the sam rockwell movie, strictly business, was also in that show. brony talks about nerdy stuff with the gang, mostly about moving away from world of warcraft to final fantasy XIV. caleb refuses to be excited about the ffvii remake that may or may not happen. hey greg from on tour now is going to be a guest next week, thanks to brony! the songs was about old hip hop/rap so… interesting. rafe’s bright place about some 20yr old dude who was on a TED talk who has a way to clean up the debris in the ocean. caleb’s bright place is about a dog. brony’s bright place was about human heads but it got cut out because of the time. maybe they’ll do a “behind the scenes” cut of this episode? WHO KNOWS. don’t forget to like rafe hates caleb on facebook and follow rafe or caleb on twitter to stay in the loop with all their shenanigans.

originally recorded June 17, 2015

Speak My Point of View

SO ANGRY. most of this episode is about rafe and caleb hating everything, including the sam rockwell movie. they list things they’d rather do than watch the sitter again (spoiler: there are a lot of things). rafe tries some levity by reading craigslist personals (hashtag sasquatch) and caleb tells his own horrific tale regarding craigslist. then more hate. more anger. too-many-cooks anger. caleb deals with being trapped in a lurching vehicle with a horde of twenty-something females. they contemplate the life of perverts before the internet existed and the world of warcraft DDOS bullshit. oh, and caleb calls rafe out on some of her bullshit, then talks about kids being complete jerks and how upsetting cheating can be. caleb does something nice for children and humblebrags all over the place. that’s basically the only good thing in this whole thing. well, that and caleb being in a relationship with a man. and caleb bulldozes over a lot of rafe talking. they wrap up everything with angry songs. so much anger.

originally recorded november 15, 2014

Pouring Tea For Two

oh god, this episode is so goddamn depressing. a sad sam rockwell movie (the green mile) and songs that make them cry. BUT before all that sadness, rafe talks about about okcupid and caleb gets cheeky about his sensitivity. rafe has decided not to diet or exercise at all, ever again. she and caleb both recap the last three weeks of their lives. that means they’re catching up to being a current podcast whooohooooo. rafe saw the maze runner and they debate the logistics of the story. rafe saw some anime, then complains about her annual work review. then caleb recaps, and talks about continuing his higher education, and how awesome world of warcraft is. then they discuss how to get away with suicide. then farts. then rafe mentions someone from twitter who didn’t want to be mentioned but she’s a jerkface. oh, and that vending machine thing they were talking about is here. then they talk about sex stuff. again. why does this always happen? oh, yeah – rafe is easy. anyway! SADNESS. side note, rafe promises to try to get motivated to update the sam rockwell and music pages… maybe.

originally recorded october 12, 2014

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