Tag Archive for yoga hosers

Yoga Hosers

it’s literally halloween and caleb has some very important interruptions during the show. he also got beat up, which reminds rafe of veronica mars. there was an RL stine AMA, if you like that sort of thing. and then caleb’s cat derails everything. they reminisce about utah, drinking, and rafe gets way to close to the mic. caleb does some crazy shit with his computer and is catching up on the flash (not the arrow, because yeah. the arrow). they watched justin long be cute in yoga hosers. caleb summarizes the whole movie so that you don’t have to watch it ever. rafe rattles off a bunch of suggested alternate titles and suddenly caleb has a bologna crisis. he does a mini comparison with kevin smith movies. btw caleb keeps getting up to pass out candy. they do songs about stretching and BOY WAS IT A STRETCH eyyyyyyyy!! there’s some real talk about gary and how great he is #TweeterOutTheButtholer! they go through future sam rockwell movies (always hoping for more movies from him) and get ready for the alan rickman run. next week, they’ll be watching justin long movie in ghost team. rafe will do ghost songs and caleb is team. don’t forget to like rafe hates caleb on facebook and follow @rafehatescaleb on twitter to stay in the loop with all their shenanigans.

originally recorded October 31, 2016