The Expendables & RED

happy 200th episode!! rafe laments recording with caleb because she’s missing the outpost BUT there’s a special guest!! billy!! they try to figure out if rafe has ever actually met billy… and then they get pretty sad during their high-lows. they talk about social media, remembering 9-11, some history about montgomery, school work, and household appliances. rafe talks about her dream involving adam johnson which prompts some stories from caleb about his sleeptalking. and related to food, rafe goes a little nuts investigating the differences between jelly, jam, preserves, marmelade, and spreads. she did some additional reading on the kitchn, too. it was intense. speaking of intense, billy talks about his dating experiences, some which were very expensive! and then… there was some woman in new york who tried to marry herself? there’s a website for that stuff. no, really. they talk about their two bruce willis movies, the expendables (2010) and RED (2010). for songs, caleb is trash, rafe is red, billy is getting old. next week they’ll be reviewing another two bruce willis movies, set up (2011) and catch .44 (2011). caleb will be doing songs about diamonds and rafe will do catching. don’t forget to CHAKAKHAN THAT LIKE BUTTON on rafe hates caleb on facebook and follow @rafehatescaleb on twitter to stay in the loop with all their shenanigans. you can also watch caleb play games sometimes on twitch.

originally recorded September 11, 2018

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