Tag Archive for australia

The Australian Invasion

hey have you guys bought the limited’s album? NO? are you INSANE? go buy “the coffin or the suitcase” HERE: https://thelimitedmusic.bandcamp.com/album/the-coffin-or-the-suitcase you won’t regret it! the limited are amazing and we love them. also come enjoy time with rafe and ruku, as they navigate the united states together and delve into the true meaning of valentine’s day. happy valentine’s dayyyyy!

ruku’s high-low
high: MURICA
low: flying

rafe’s high-low
high: ruku in MURICA
low: work

– flowers or chocolate, pick one
– what is a good non-traditional gift to give for valentine’s day? besides flowers, jewelry, and/or candy.
– on a scale of one to ten, how annoyed should I be that a medical emergency last night kept me from having valentine’s day doughnuts and hot chocolate with one of my partners? what about on the sadness axis? (I am fine, for the record, but it was one of those “this is just enough of a problem to merit medical attention and testing” situations.)
– valentines day helps florists and hallmark, I’d rather celebrate the death of captain cook, what other holiday do you refuse to celebrate, or celebrate something else instead
– fuck valentines day?
– fuck on valentine’s day?
– blowing bubbles
– did you have a hs sweetheart? what happened?
– cheese for valentine’s day?

14. is there something that you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? why haven’t you done it?
ruku: DONE, DID IT.

MOVIE – mr. holland’s opus (1995) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0111359)
ruku 7/10
caleb 6.5/10
rafe 7/10
SONG – high school band/orchestra songs
vivaldi – concerto in a minor
ruku – metallica – enter sandman

NEXT MOVIE – down periscope (1996) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116130)
NEXT SONG – down songs

A Series of Upnotes

caleb and rafe both talk about health as aging millennials. caleb also talks about delicious food. and cereal, what even is the point if you can’t have good cereal? rafe does a word of the week, there’s concern about toxic waste from ohio (not talking about the government figures this time eyo), and somehow they still end up having a pretty okay time. and rafe learns one of her favorite 80’s bands is from australia!

rafe’s high-low
high: taxes done
low: taxes NOT done?

caleb’s high-low
high: DC day
low: health

– why are all these dishes in the sink?
– what the fuck is wrong with people? (context- our system is down, but they NEED to know if a payment went through. So when told, hey maybe call the bank since they keep record of that shit, they INSIST on not doing so) SIGH
– some breakfast cereals for kids are worse than candy with the amount of sugar they have.
– why do I cheer so hard when I see stone cold steve austin in a ref shirt with cut off sleeves?
– what deranged logic drives a grocery to put the cream cheese next to the eggs without any signposting?
– apparently fruit loops cereal straws are a thing. what food would you be happy to have as a flavor in straw form (to use with whatever beverage you like)?
– why does it feel so good when you order regular fries and get a single onion ring or a random curly fry in the container?
– what is the ideal milkfat for drinking white milk?
– the sketchers stay on during sex.
– choose one—Ice cream headache or paper cut
– do crocs belong in sport mode during sex?

MOVIE – rescuers down under (1990) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0100477)
caleb 7.8/10
rafe 7.5/10
SONGS – australian bands
icehouse – we can get together

NEXT MOVIE – nothing but trouble (1991) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0102558)
NEXT SONGS – rafe is trouble caleb is nothing