Tag Archive for rukusan

When One Door Opens

rafe is back and whiny as ever. alabama fucked up hardcore with their latest misstep on conception and fertilization. thank god mitch mcconnell is leaving soon so not EVERYTHING was horrible news. caleb has door issues?! but it’s not all bad news!

npr wrote a pretty good article explaining how IVF works: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2024/02/23/1233023637/ivf-alabama-frozen-embryo-personhood-abortion-supreme-court

seriously though fuck alabama, and can’t wait for mitch mcconnell to fade away.

rafe’s high-low
high: ruku hangout
low: stream withdrawal

caleb’s high-low
high: ballet
low: handyman mishap

– what is a song you wish you could hear again for the first time?
– which fictional character do you relate to most? and why?
– finding contractors to do work on your house is miserable. no matter how much research we do or how many reviews we read, its always a massive clusterfuck once the work starts
– when you buy a car, do you get the trucoat?
– what’s the best way to get weeks of manly musk out of the recording studio so rafe doesn’t choke on it?
– unconventional uses for a wood chipper
– the alleged hack of epic games. huge if true but epic hasn’t said anything either way yet

MOVIE – fargo (1996) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116282)
caleb 8.7/10
rafe 6/10
SONG – police
nofx – puke on cops

NEXT MOVIE – hit me (1996) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116538)
NEXT SONG – hitting

The Australian Invasion

hey have you guys bought the limited’s album? NO? are you INSANE? go buy “the coffin or the suitcase” HERE: https://thelimitedmusic.bandcamp.com/album/the-coffin-or-the-suitcase you won’t regret it! the limited are amazing and we love them. also come enjoy time with rafe and ruku, as they navigate the united states together and delve into the true meaning of valentine’s day. happy valentine’s dayyyyy!

ruku’s high-low
high: MURICA
low: flying

rafe’s high-low
high: ruku in MURICA
low: work

– flowers or chocolate, pick one
– what is a good non-traditional gift to give for valentine’s day? besides flowers, jewelry, and/or candy.
– on a scale of one to ten, how annoyed should I be that a medical emergency last night kept me from having valentine’s day doughnuts and hot chocolate with one of my partners? what about on the sadness axis? (I am fine, for the record, but it was one of those “this is just enough of a problem to merit medical attention and testing” situations.)
– valentines day helps florists and hallmark, I’d rather celebrate the death of captain cook, what other holiday do you refuse to celebrate, or celebrate something else instead
– fuck valentines day?
– fuck on valentine’s day?
– blowing bubbles
– did you have a hs sweetheart? what happened?
– cheese for valentine’s day?

14. is there something that you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? why haven’t you done it?
ruku: DONE, DID IT.

MOVIE – mr. holland’s opus (1995) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0111359)
ruku 7/10
caleb 6.5/10
rafe 7/10
SONG – high school band/orchestra songs
vivaldi – concerto in a minor
ruku – metallica – enter sandman

NEXT MOVIE – down periscope (1996) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116130)
NEXT SONG – down songs

Noodling With Luke

luke from the limited is our special GUEST and we love having him! he’s in a band! he does his own music, too! and he streams?! support the limited and luke now or rahaca will cry. also you lucky australian folks can see the limited in concert at bowlo, september 9, 2023. lucky.
bowlo show: https://tickets.oztix.com.au/outlet/event/f5b4c4ed-0d60-474c-814f-0c011048e4a2
pigeonrat: https://pigeonrat.bandcamp.com
the limited bandcamp: https://thelimitedmusic.bandcamp.com
the limited spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0vinOCe0Lthy4jL5NbimRi
twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/rukusan

luke’s high-low
high: braindead
low: bad pain dead

rafe’s high-low
high: the limited album
low: the offspring missed

caleb’s high-low
high: running man spine broken
low: dog accidents

– frog meme or boob stuff?
– another reason I’m not a fan of how america is. it’s harder to find clothes in my size now, after I lost weight, than it was when I was 240. wtf
– sometimes a cover of a song misses the point of the original, especially if the cover is in a different genre than the original version.
– why is mohawk in pravoka such a huge punk?
– what’s something that used to be everywhere and is now limited?
– which stall do you use when you have to do your business in a public restroom?
– if you could own any limited edition record or book what would it be?
– how do you stick it to the man? bonus for both work and personal
– what grocery item should be limited? like TP. limit 2 per customer.
– is 6 months long enough for a long-distance relationship to go on before MEETING HER FOR THE FIRST TIME TONIGHT!?!?

23. how close and warm is your family? do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people’s?
ruku: not close, still not close
caleb: family gets along, strengthening
rafe: charmed life, really

MOVIE – the dining room (1984) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0184404)
SONGS – formal dining
caleb 1/10
rafe 2.5/10
nina nesbitt – dinner table

NEXT MOVIE – the last dragon (1985) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089461)
NEXT SONGS – berry gordy song