Tag Archive for cicadas

Where’s My Wife

AI isn’t ready in broad help situations and people need to stop trying to make it fit every situation. google’s AI cannot be trusted and is being FORCED on users! use this URL, to get clean google web results: https://udm14.com/

rafe talks about anti-cicada bug suit shopping and duck detective is super cute! they talk a lot about brain health and memory issues. keep yourself healthy, people!! make sure you take part in the women’s strike to show we are NOT happy about the dumbasses of the supreme court overturning of roe v. wade.

“No spending, No work, No school
On the 2nd anniversary of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, girls, women, and allies go on strike. Participants do not go to work, do not go to school, and/or do not spend even 1 penny. As our privacy, body autonomy, healthcare, and travel rights are being removed, we remove ourselves for 1 day en masse. We stand together for all Americans to show that the nation needs us.”

Starts Monday, June 24, 2024 at 12:00 AM EDT
Ends Monday, June 24, 2024 at 11:59 PM EDT

also get ready for the NINJA SEX PARTY DIGITAL SHOW. MASTERSTROKES. https://www.ninjasexparty.com/

rafe’s high-low
high: protein powerUP
low: cicadas

caleb’s high-low
high: mouse hunt
low: oven broken

– if everyone had an rpg / d&d class in real life, what would yours be, and why? paladin would be my pick. my therapist says I’m a rescuer, and defend my people. but I will choose violence.
– light mode or dark mode
– how interested are you in lost media/internet mysteries, things like what justin whang covers on his youtube channel, like rare songs/parts of songs with no attribution, photos or videos that are from unidentified sources or that show unrecognizable settings, people/artists of note who haven’t been heard from in years, things of legend that haven’t seen the light of day (like “missing episodes” of shows, films/games that were finished but unreleased, etc)?
– have you ever lost something and found it much much later? inspired by the garmin gps that got lost for over 10 years
– for whatever reason, you’re the proud owner of the mystery machine. out of the actors you’ve picked for the podcast movie reviews, who’s in your scooby gang? (in true rahaca fashion, sam rockwell is obviously included by default.)
– do you prefer the poirot-style whodunnit or the columbo-style howcatchem?

MOVIE – mystery men (1999) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0132347)
caleb 6.6/10
rafe 6.85/10
SONG – mystery
the new pornographers – mystery hours

NEXT MOVIE – a slight case of murder (1999) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0206305)
NEXT SONG – accidents

Would You Like to Play a Game?

rafe read the news again. news about the collapse of humanity, and also how horrible people are working on small changes to contraception laws so that eventually, they may not be allowed a ALL.

caleb has exciting news about a ffr cooking show! it’ll be this sunday, 3pm eastern, on @finalfantasyrandomizer. caleb came up with a fun game involving band names and subreddits. play along, join the discord, and let us know how you did!

CHRYSALISM is the word of the week.

rafe’s high-low
high: art/d&d
low: cicadas

caleb’s high-low
high: world of warcraft mists of pandaria
low: so tired

– what are acceptable times to ping, text, or call someone? how does it vary for you based on person and circumstances?
– what should I do with myself this summer?
– vacation or staycation?
– If you could have an animal sidekick or companion that travelled with you everywhere, and you could converse with – what would it be? mine would be a raccoon. we would plan so many heists.
– after rafe’s science talk on radioactive incidents on stream this week, what is one topic that completely hooks you, and makes you want to learn more about it? some people have true crime, paranormal stories etc.
– one album, movie or game release you’re looking forward to this year? or has already been released. for me the new decemberists album that arrives 14th june
– how excited is too excited to realize you can just walk across the street and buy a loaf of french bread at jimmy john’s whenever you want? and as a follow-up, is it weird to just want to buy a loaf of bread and, like, walk a few miles while eating it?

MOVIE – happy, texas (1999) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0162360)
caleb 7/10
rafe 7/10
SONG – rafe is happy and caleb is texas
no doubt – happy now (tragic kingdom 1995)

NEXT MOVIE – mystery men (1999) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0132347)
NEXT SONG – mystery

Your Civic Duty

caleb has a lot going on this week, like a run-in with jury duty AND the dentist (AGAIN). he also regales about a world of warcraft mount and a mother’s day breakfast mishap. rafe hates spring especially hard because of cicadas and also is she the only one who knows what a vein bruise is?

ABSQUATULATE is the word of the week.

rafe’s high-low
high: good books
low: cicadas

caleb’s high-low
high: WoW achievement
low: dentist return

– have you ever been a rat? snitched? describe!
– what’s the definition of and limits of “fighting words” and what absurdities could that be taken to
– remember at new years when you asked for headline predictions and I said something like “AI gets slightly better at writing music and everyone loses their shit”? I think I win
– how would you make the perfect grilled cheese sandwich? what kind of bread, cheeses, extra toppings, etc.
– how soon after your spouse starts an affair is too soon to consider looking for a divorce lawyer?

MOVIE – a civil action (1998) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120633)
caleb 6.4/10
rafe 5/10
SONG – rafe is civil, caleb is action
the clash – know your rights

NEXT MOVIE – happy, texas (1999) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0162360)
NEXT SONG – rafe is happy and caleb is texas

No Meat in Those Cookies

rafe is playing a new game called chook & sosig and you should buy it when it’s on sale!

phrase of the week is WET SOCK.
caleb saw the devil movie with the scientist! and got a massage! it was weird. MOUTH IN THE HOLE.
world of warcraft PLUNDERSTORM and city of heroes events!

itunes is dumb and hates its users. apple is the worrrrssssstttttt.

rafe’s high-low
high: chook & sosig walk the plank (2019)
low: heat

caleb’s high-low
high: d&d
low: everything else

– every dog has its day, but does every day have its dog?
– what makes home made better than a skilled chef in a restaurant?
– so if we are getting a super release of sex crazed zombie cicadas, does this mean that they will pass that std to all the non infected cicadas? is this the end of non zombified cicadas?
– does anyone know where you can buy a giant zombie cicada costume? asking for a friend. that’s not actually my hht. my question is, what’s an insult you’ve received that you’re proud of?
– I’ve heard of furries, but what do we call consty’s people in their cicada costumes? crunchies?
– who is your natural predator?
– what’s worse: having the internet just down, or having the internet go down for 10 to 15 mins at a time? asking in hopes of a better day 4
– how many times did you hear all or part of the song “total eclipse of the heart” on monday?
– cicadas are coming out of hiding after 17 years so they can have sex then die. do you know a person or persons who fits this lifestyle?
– certain breeds of cicadas used to only come out every 10 years in certain parts of the world. but recently they have been coming out every summer. do you think climate change has to do with that? also, idk where you were during the eclipse but did anyone else hear the cicadas chirping during the eclipse then as soon as it was over they stopped?
– I can be the only one who sometimes feels like hiding in a hole for 17 years like a cicada.

MOVIE – colin fitz lives! (1997) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118873)
caleb 5.1/10
rafe 4/10
SONG – living
fall out boy – get busy living or get busy dying

NEXT MOVIE – jerry and tom (1998) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120867)
NEXT SONG – rafe is tom and caleb is jerry