Tag Archive for cocaine bear

The Joys of Capitalism

we watched cocaine bear! no spoilers. rafe’s stomach sucks! exclamation point! caleb did so many good things outside for his house.

rafe’s high-low
high: BEARS and GAMES that twitch life
low: internal organs are the worst

caleb’s high-low
high: neighborly stuff
low: chemical spill in bristol

– if a business is going to require an employee to work in the office for a job that could be completed at home that business should be required to pay for the length of that employees commute
– congratulations, your company is getting a new ceo! bonus—you personally get to pick the ceo! but there is a catch. the only two available candidates are jeff bezos and elon musk. who gets the job?
– I have no intention of borrowing a metal detector from the library across the street, but should I be this pleased that it’s an option?
– whats the bet that the manager will get back with me and see about trying to keep me there?
– a straight married man bought me lunch today. is he hitting on me?
– does wine pair well with pizza?
– what animal would say the nicest things if it could talk?
– what’s something that would improve if you could change its color?
– knock knock jokes, and why they should go away for good.
– how do I calmly ask the HHT deadline to go fuck itself?

MOVIE – the rocket boy (last 1989) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0170513)
caleb 3/10
rafe 3/10
SONGS – caleb is rockets rafe is boys
beastie boys – slow and low

NEXT MOVIE – masters of menace (1990) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0100119)
NEXT SONGS – menacing

Cooking and Crushing With Deadpulse

there’s a guest! deadpulse! he loves music and movies. rafe has work drama and caleb has a reinvigorated love for d&d thanks to chatGPT. come join the RaHaCa discord so you can have fun posting memes, watching the podcast actor movies, and hopefully and upcoming event of COCAINE BEAR.

deadpulse’s high-low
high: mix tape weekend
low: heat went out

rafe’s high-low
high: vacation
low: broken teeth

caleb’s high-low
high: chatGPT
low: pinky cut

– 30 mins is not enough time for me to be funny and clever
– last night at the SOTU, kyrsten sinema looked like a combination of spongebob squarepants and one of those spitting dinosaurs from jurassic park
– is giving away free tattoos a bad idea? Does no one want free original art? And yes this is my first HHT in a long time lol
– how hot is too hot? is there a topic too hot to touch? or should it be too hot to trot?
– there are 21 warnings on the road leading to a local low bridge, including flashing lights, road signs, and the bright orange lower edge of the bridge with a lights and a large sign saying it is 10’9” tall. it still gets hit by trucks 10 times a year or more. should truck drivers be blamed for hitting the bridge or should something else be done?
– first day back in the office and I have to reinvent a very annoying wheel, and also dani is the best
– rafe and caleb get along rather well. perhaps they should think about doing a podcast together.
– why do most butter chicken recipes not have any butter?
– and can one ever have too much FFR?

MOVIE – planes, trains, & automobiles (1987) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093748)
caleb 7.5
rafe 7.75/10
deadpulse 8/10
SONGS – vehicles
the hollies – bus stop

NEXT MOVIE – she’s having a baby (1988) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096094)