The Joys of Capitalism

we watched cocaine bear! no spoilers. rafe’s stomach sucks! exclamation point! caleb did so many good things outside for his house.

rafe’s high-low
high: BEARS and GAMES that twitch life
low: internal organs are the worst

caleb’s high-low
high: neighborly stuff
low: chemical spill in bristol

– if a business is going to require an employee to work in the office for a job that could be completed at home that business should be required to pay for the length of that employees commute
– congratulations, your company is getting a new ceo! bonus—you personally get to pick the ceo! but there is a catch. the only two available candidates are jeff bezos and elon musk. who gets the job?
– I have no intention of borrowing a metal detector from the library across the street, but should I be this pleased that it’s an option?
– whats the bet that the manager will get back with me and see about trying to keep me there?
– a straight married man bought me lunch today. is he hitting on me?
– does wine pair well with pizza?
– what animal would say the nicest things if it could talk?
– what’s something that would improve if you could change its color?
– knock knock jokes, and why they should go away for good.
– how do I calmly ask the HHT deadline to go fuck itself?

MOVIE – the rocket boy (last 1989) (
caleb 3/10
rafe 3/10
SONGS – caleb is rockets rafe is boys
beastie boys – slow and low

NEXT MOVIE – masters of menace (1990) (
NEXT SONGS – menacing

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