Tag Archive for high low

It Can’t Get Any Worse

it’s been a WHOLE MONTH with no #RaHaCa podcast so buckle up. rafe’s worried about caleb’s computer, is excited to be on tiktok, and is excited about a surprise for dani. caleb regales with a big bone, and big balls. also christmas stuff, delicious food that caleb’s been posting on instagram and discord, and cats on drugs. rafe reminds everyone that 2021 isn’t going to be different – we all still have to wear our masks to protect people from covid-19. she’s also back on tinder, yay! and doing #75hard which caleb gets roped into of course. they also go hard on the L kinks. #RaHaCa2021 here we come!

HIGH LOWS for 2020
rafe’s high-low
high: hermit life
low: glamper breakup

caleb’s high-low
high: married
low: family

– did CATS cause COVID?
– 2020. why? just why?
– what, in your opinion, was the single worst take of 2020?
– how is amy adams as an actress? and how much of your opinion is based on her choice of movies and directors?
– where are the murder hornets?
– if die hard is the best christmas movie that isn’t a christmas movie, could we also then say that polar express is the worst movie that happens to be a christmas movie, and should we make it a bipolar double header christmas tradition?
– pretend you see a time travelling tour group, and you see that one entitled tourist yelling at the poor tour guide about how much they want their money back for experiencing 2020 and being a real asshole about it. what year do you tell the asshole they should demand comp tickets to go to to make them suffer even more?
– since 2020 has answered the question of “pants?” with an emphatic no, what is the correct matching foot coverings?
– can we all agree to stop taunting the universe? we started that in 2016 and it just keeps calling our bluff.
– the kink corner, the best thing about 2020 or the absolute best thing about 2020?
– what pet name do you have for your cum, now that we know greggly’s?
– bad news: you are getting executed tomorrow. what’s your last meal?

MOVIE – leap year (2010) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1216492)
caleb 5/10
rafe 8.75/10
SONGS – 2020 anthem
blackbear – I feel bad

NEXT MOVIE – moonlight serenade (2009) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0455638)
NEXT SONGS – crooners

Is It In?

whelp, it’s the week of the united states presidential election 2020 and everything is going to shit. caleb ate rubberbands, killed a household appliance, his teeth can’t even feel anything, but halloween was good shit. rafe is excited about mandalorian season two and caleb is excited about twilight zone. dani was gracious enough to pick the letter O for kink corner, too! other than that, just lots of angry ranting about the broken system in america.

rafe’s high-low
high: halloween with the glamper
low: politics

caleb’s high-low
high: vacay
low: oven broke

– what’s your go to anxiety/stress food today? mine is a chicken bacon sandwich and onion rings.
– how fucking cool is it we can still communicate with the voyager satellites?
– how old were you when you realized “jiggawatts” was supposed to be “gigawatts” in back to the future?
– what’s the best way to use schrodinger’s fucking database of knowledge that simultaneously is always and never fucking correct depending on whatever the fucking dipshit email chain says and how many fucking times should I reference “you told me specifically to do it this way” before it fucking sticks
– is “two laptops on a table facing each other, one with a doctor on skype and the other with a patient on skype” the future of medicine? (we literally just set this up for a patient encounter)
– is it ever ok to quit someone else’s job for them if you’re absolutely sure it’s in their best interest?
– how much olive oil is too much? I put olive oil on everything and go through about a half litre a week. my wife thinks it gross/weird that I like to drink it straight from a glass, but I’m like greek or something, so I think she might just be doing a racism.
– what two pieces of furniture would make the best porno together? in other words, what two pieces of furniture should fuck?
– rubes has spent way too much time thinking about chairs fucking.

MOVIE – miss pettigrew lives for a day (2008) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0970468)
caleb 7.5/10
rafe 7.5/10
SONGS – rafe is day and caleb is living
fred astaire – night & day

NEXT MOVIE – doubt (2008) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0918927)
NEXT SONGS – no doubt war

Billy Lost His Ice Cream (feat. Billy)

it’s billy, but not THAT BILLY!
there are kinks starting with the letter X!
work is dumb for multiple people!
caleb is hungry all the time!

rafe’s high-low
high: glamper
low: gaining weight

caleb’s high-low
high: racing success!
low: baseball

billy’s high-low
high: house owner
low: job feels

– if you could have 300 of something that’s under $5, what would it be?
– what is your favorite/most memorable moment from the 300 podcast episodes?
– do you play DnD because you love numbers or do you love numbers because you play DnD?
– what thriller/horror film do you feel like you could confidently survive (and how)?
– what is your favorite holiday each year?
– what any one animal would you choose to irritate someone you didn’t like?
– AOC is streaming among us, biden has an island on animal crossing. randomly, you’ve been given the power to decide what game should be used to reach out to the public next. what is it, and which politician do you see being the one to prominently play it?
– if the perfect meal gave you the worst stomach ache, how often would you eat it
– does anyone else constantly worry that their allergies are actually covid in disguise trying to kill them or is it just me?
– if you could either take standard deductions or roll for your chances of a lowered or raised tax rate, what would you do? As an accountant that idea by itself scares me to death.
– this one is for caleb… chaos rush, bullshit or BULLSHIT?
– hot topic
– spencers
– what are butt sects?


36. Share a personal problem and ask your partner’s advice on how he or she might handle it.
caleb: hobby obsession.
billy: tinder questions.
rafe: motivation to ship the giveaway.

MOVIE – sunshine cleaning (2008) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0862846)
caleb 4.5/10
rafe 5/10
billy 6.5/10
millencollin – mr. clean

NEXT MOVIE – SPOOKTACULAR trolls world tour (2020) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6587640)
NEXT SONGS – tour war

Dags – D’ya Like Dags? (feat. groggydog)

what the what, another guest?!?! his hobbies are limitless. caleb talks about food with groggy, and they go through basically all the final fantasies together. speaking of hobbies, groggy’s miniatures are available on etsy! kevnobiminis to see his etsy stuff, or https://m.twitch.tv/groggydog for twitch, then https://groggy.dog for blogs! and don’t forget @groggydogFF for twitter. all the final fantasies come up, mostly. there’s a bit of covid-19 blaming, boot scuffing, caleb discovers a spawn of the flat earth society, and rafe does a small update about the ICE hystorectomy https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/29/us/ice-hysterectomies-surgeries-georgia.html
caleb also has a new video planned on the #RaHaCa youtube channel! and then we talk about about kinks starting with G, for groggydog.

rafe’s high-low
high: glamper park

caleb’s high-low
high: new chair, new phone
low: water glass punch

groggy’s high-low
high: autumn breeze
low: boot scuffer

– super early hot hot topic courtesy of a co-worker: if the world ran out of food, would you eat your pets?
– let’s say your retirement is at the end of the week. is the reduction of the number of fucks you give at work gradual or all up front at the start of the week.
– best/worst star wars movie
– why does moonshine taste so much better at 10am?
– will zeno go 3 for 3 on the weight loss challenge
– what was the first food/meal that you remember being really surprised you enjoyed, and enjoyed enough to have again? could be something you hated as a kid but loved as an adult, or something made differently by someone and blew your mind
– if you had to pick one fad to come back, what would it be?
– what constitutes “as seen on TV”? aren’t most things sold in stores advertised on TV/commercials?
also, what was your favorite or most memorable TV commercial?
– what is the time frame on a “new” product being advertised as “new”? like, are green apple sweet tart ropes really new if they came out over 6 months ago?
– sports and other things all seem to have a so-called “golden age,” that fondly-remembered time where all the players were the best and nothing bad ever happened. what golden age is 2020 a part of?
– why does my son kick my ass at wii bowling?


30. when did you last cry in front of another person? by yourself?
caleb: watching hamilton with the scientist
groggy: in new york, riding on the subway watching the river
rafe: probably while doing dishes I dunno

MOVIE – underdog (2007) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0467110)
caleb 4.5/10
rafe 4.8/10
groggy 5/10
SONGS – dog fight

NEXT MOVIE – enchanted (2007) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0461770
NEXT SONGS – fairy tale songs

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