Tag Archive for musical

Hamilton 2: Musical Boogaloo

what a special, musically-driven episode! musical/theater stories, what music and artists are horrible, how we keep up with music, and more! caleb is really good at gushing about musicals and we learn a bit about his high school life. special shout-out to groggydog for being the number one contributor to the hot hot topics this week! there was so much excitement that they forgot to do their songs for the week, but they’re in the discord channel if you want to check them out.

HIGH LOWS (music)
rafe’s high-low
high: singing with beaucoup
low: everybody talks

caleb’s high-low
high: talking musicals with the scientist
low: stupid jimmy buffett song

– you were seated in the audience for the filmed hamilton. what did you do that made Eliza gasp at the end?
– how the hell do I watch other musicals if hamilton spoiled me this much
– bootlegs: good or bad side of morality?
– better musical (stage or screen) – hamilton or les miserables?
– when was the last time you really just wanted to express your problems through a show-stopping ensemble piece?
– you are tasked with staging a recreation of “love never dies” – what do you do that makes it not complete shit
– does anyone else find it impossible to process information properly when it’s delivered in lyrical form
– related: phantom of the opera – good or bad?
– you can go back in time and see any show with its original cast, primo orchestra seats. which, besides hamilton, do you choose?
– what other musical roles do you think russel crowe is completely unfit for?
– are operas musicals?
– who is the worst person you can think of to fill the lead role in hello, dolly – male or female
– in 20 years’ time will andrew lloyd webber be remembered as a musical genius or a gimmicky hack
– better hamilton song: satisfied or one [last] time
– what musical lead role would you most like to fill yourself
– how long does hamilton stay in your playlist after you’ve seen it?
– has anyone else had this stuck in their head since saturday or just me? (hamilton’s king’s da da da da da)

MOVIE – hamilton on disney+
caleb 10/10
rafe 10/10
SONGS – non-hamilton musical
my fair lady – on the street where you live

NEXT MOVIE – the slaughter rule (2002) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0266971)


a special episode for HAMILTON!!! thanks to the marvels of modern technology, it’s time to party with caleb, rafe, and furybox! of course things start off with alcohol. they catch up on rafe visiting and what’s been going on in everyone’s lives and fantasize about making movies better. there’s a bit of christmas. how timely! they do high-low times three. rafe did get to see some beautiful scenery on the drive to maryland by accident, in addison, PA by youghiyoughiogheny river lake. there’s some sex impressions and then josh does his high-low about the show and weather. caleb’s high-low involved cheese sauce and (fingers crossed!) a really good job interview. they briefly touch on libraries and the amazon protesting during prime day. rafe did her best to stay out of it but came across some excellent choices like occult cloaks and gypsy skirts. some TV shows come up and rafe gushes (again) about the outpost with jake stormoen. she really wants everyone to watch it, for realsies. she gives a quick synopsis without spoiling much. rafe broke keto and shares her experiences, which spawns a convo about health concerns. what a fuckin’ downer haha. since this is a special episode, the three of them talk about their experiences with hamilton (DC production). they did their three favorite songs from hamilton, too! next week they’ll be reviewing another two bruce willis movies, 16 blocks (2006) and over the hedge (2006). caleb will be doing songs about walls and rafe will do streets. don’t forget to BLOW AWAY THAT LIKE BUTTON on rafe hates caleb on facebook and follow @rafehatescaleb on twitter to stay in the loop with all their shenanigans. you can also watch caleb play games sometimes on twitch.

originally recorded July 24, 2018