Tag Archive for northman

No More Bummer Summer

caleb saw the northman and (no spoilers) and may have convinced rage to see it. small updates like pokemon go, allergies, and more baking! join the #RaHaCa discord (discord.gg/Fc6DUze) to see all of caleb’s baked goods. with the end of denzel washington, they recap some of their favorites and least liked movies. rafe is stoked about geekway to the west coming up, and also she has a new game you can play using the kippo dating app. it’s called “guess what games she plays.”

rafe’s high-low
high: bowling, mostly
low: hot outside

caleb’s high-low
high: the whole dang weekend
low: allergies

– with caleb back in the figurative driver’s seat for the hht post, is rafe a better vehicle operator than caleb? guesses? bets? drag race soon?
– IF and when a problem does come along, why is whipping it the answer? And does it matter what it is whipped with, so long as its good?
– dani is the best
– if you could get into a pun war with any deity, who would you pick and why?
– today in the victim complex olympics, our gold medal winner is: “sure, pedophilia is bad, but I had it worse when I got drunk with my husband this one time.”
– fizzle is the best
– how do you show appreciation to others? Is it also how you would like to be shown appreciation by others?
– why are people never accountable for their own actions anymore?
– of all the movies you’ve seen for the podcast, which one(s) would you be most likely to watch several times again?
– what is a hht that stands out after all these podcasts?
– what’s the best thing you’ve bought online?

MOVIE – the tragedy of macbeth (2021) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10095582)
caleb 9/10
rafe 6.5/10
SONGS – tragic
grouplove – shark attack

NEXT MOVIE – wayne’s world (1992) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105793)
NEXT SONGS – world