Tag Archive for bummer summer

No More Bummer Summer

caleb saw the northman and (no spoilers) and may have convinced rage to see it. small updates like pokemon go, allergies, and more baking! join the #RaHaCa discord (discord.gg/Fc6DUze) to see all of caleb’s baked goods. with the end of denzel washington, they recap some of their favorites and least liked movies. rafe is stoked about geekway to the west coming up, and also she has a new game you can play using the kippo dating app. it’s called “guess what games she plays.”

rafe’s high-low
high: bowling, mostly
low: hot outside

caleb’s high-low
high: the whole dang weekend
low: allergies

– with caleb back in the figurative driver’s seat for the hht post, is rafe a better vehicle operator than caleb? guesses? bets? drag race soon?
– IF and when a problem does come along, why is whipping it the answer? And does it matter what it is whipped with, so long as its good?
– dani is the best
– if you could get into a pun war with any deity, who would you pick and why?
– today in the victim complex olympics, our gold medal winner is: “sure, pedophilia is bad, but I had it worse when I got drunk with my husband this one time.”
– fizzle is the best
– how do you show appreciation to others? Is it also how you would like to be shown appreciation by others?
– why are people never accountable for their own actions anymore?
– of all the movies you’ve seen for the podcast, which one(s) would you be most likely to watch several times again?
– what is a hht that stands out after all these podcasts?
– what’s the best thing you’ve bought online?

MOVIE – the tragedy of macbeth (2021) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10095582)
caleb 9/10
rafe 6.5/10
SONGS – tragic
grouplove – shark attack

NEXT MOVIE – wayne’s world (1992) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105793)
NEXT SONGS – world

Rafe Loves Dani

rafe and dani have way too much fun talking about final fantasy randomizer tournaments, ffr hype!!! also bummer summer talk, dani’s life, and lots of laughs. love love love!

rafe’s high-low
high: jam
low: meat

dani’s high-low
high: podcast! ffr co-op tournie
low: dissmissive doctor

– jon bois is the best sports documentary person on youtube and everyone should learn about the weird ass history of the seattle mariners and the “oh god why” history of the atlanta falcons
– I agree with fizzle. also, his “pretty good” and “fumble dimension” series.
– what is your best one-liner as you’re standing over someone hanging off a ledge by their fingertips, them looking up at you in desperation and seeing the anger in your eyes moments before you stomp on their fingers?
– if someone tells you they will be ready to go in 10 minutes, how much grace time should you allow before bitching at them?
– what’s your favorite illicit drug
– on a scale of 1-10 how moral is it to teach someone else’s kid curse words? (10 being the most moral)

MOVIE – philadelphia (1993) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0107818/)
rafe 5/10
SONGS – philadelphia songs
cosima – philly
fresh prince of bel air

NEXT MOVIE – crimson tide (1995) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0112740)
NEXT SONGS – red songs

Our Customer Journey

dragon warrior randomizer, peaches, food review, bachelor party planning, bummer summer, everything is on fire! and final fantasy randomizer, and so many

rafe’s high-low
high: keto
low: heat

caleb’s high-low
high: white shirt party
low: party food

– is fizzle this universes comic book guy, but gundam
– is there a song or a sound or a smell that reminds you of something embarrassing or unpleasant? example when I was a kid I was on the third stage of castlevania. and with no rhyme or reason my brother vomited all over my bare leg.
– how many passes did it take before you read this headline correctly?
– why are republicans?
– why are blue flames hotter than red flames?
– what’s the best buzzword bukkake you can come up with that means literally nothing
– is punching a doctor bad? what if their dumb fuck ass deserves it for being an oblivious shitbag?
– is shitting my pants in rage a constructive way to confront the fact that I’m working through lunch today because it’s coming
– should I be allowed to yell about people at fizzle’s place of employment? and why do you agree that the answer is yes?
– where in the phrase “yes you stupid fucking shithead” do insert the word “doctor” to maintain professionalism

MOVIE – much ado about nothing (1993) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0107616)
caleb 7.75/10
rafe 7.5/10
SONGS – nothing battle

NEXT MOVIE – the pelican brief (1993) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0107798)

Bummer Summer

lots of talk about cancel culture, how fucked up activision blizzard has been, the best way to cook with heavy cream, rafe’s professional voice, the return of #75hard, caleb getting harassed by bugs, and please watch this about killing birds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71gilEP4aJY

rafe’s high-low
high: dentist compliment

caleb’s high-low
high: run
low: gym panic

– all the gold metals given out in tokyo are made of chocolate!
– can we every really get beyond the thunderdome?
– why is caleb so awesome?
– pick a haircut for each other! one rule: you can’t tell caleb to shave the beard off.
– is it possible to throw someone a surprise party when he knows he’s turning 40?
– fuck blizzard and fuck activision
– who’s someone crazy that you’ve had to deal with this week?
– food is the best. what’s the most under-rated or obscure food combination that more people need to know about?
– what’s your favourite dumb reality competition show, bonus points if it’s cooking related
– was MXC the height of comedy and physical challenge?
– does this cactus need more water, more sunlight, or what? (stem is thinning, he used to be fat) [REPOT]
– do you prefer your lawyers with or without katanas? and would you trust a lawyer who can only weakly slap a table, or do they need to be able to pound the table with enough force to shake the room and make people cower in fear?
– when is #bummersummer going to end? I’ve had enough of this ride and would like to get off now. thanks. [NEVER HOW DARE YOU]
– what are the odds that caleb, after last weeks firm stance of having bought final fantasy way too many times already, still picks up the pixel remaster… oh wait never mind

MOVIE – ricochet (1991) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0102789)
caleb 4.75/10
rafe 3.75/10
SONGS – bouncing battle
sugarcult – bouncing off the walls

NEXT MOVIE – malcolm x (1992) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0104797)
NEXT SONGS – songs with X

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