Tag Archive for sam rockwell

The One and Only Dani

two big reveals this week – a lovely guest DANI!!!! more final fantasy randomizer love, and the next actor for #RaHaCa! denzel washington! cooking, verizon sucks, rafe has gardening problems, caleb has dishwasher nonsense, and everyone please watch perfect strangers on hulu. also some hilarious twitch drama, and cookies. and taco bell. and pants.

rafe’s high-low
high: new offspring album, “let the bad times roll”
low: why doesn’t everyone lover her

caleb’s high-low
high: otterbein’s
low: home depot dishwasher & verizon sucks

dani’s high-low
high: ffr buddies
low: spring tournie hand fuckup

– cragar or fifteen52 – which turbofan wheels are the ugliest?
– at what point do we just say “screw it” and all agree that pants are the worst idea in the history of human fashion? has the pandemic accelerated the inevitable?
– what is the ratio of belts per dream that signifies I have a Satisfactory problem and how do I make it more efficient to eliminate waste
– if the boss calls multiple people and gives them all the same dumbass task, and doesn’t tell you he told anyone else, is it a scavenger hunt to find the other people or is it a race to see who does it first and doesn’t tell anyone.w noting: parts of the task fall far outside my job description.
– since we are dealing with the internet. how obvious must the sarcasm be before you don’t need to /s to show the sarcasm intention?
– what’s the best breakfast sandwich
– does mayo belong on an egg & cheese sandwich
– what is the best song that mentions wheels?


36. share a personal problem and ask your partner’s advice on how he or she might handle it.
dani: toxic fam
caleb: exercise
rafe: cleaning

MOVIE – the one and only ivan (2020) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3661394)
dani 6.5/10
caleb 6.5/10
rafe 6.5/10
SONGS – rafe is ONE v caleb is only ONLY
the offspring – army of one off their new album, “let the bad times roll”

NEXT MOVIE – wilma (1977) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0076923/)


a great special guest, the scientist, joins rafe and caleb to talk about SPOOKY stuff on this SPOOKTACULAR episode. lots of talk about horror movies, halloween growing up, and tons of candy. there are also kinks starting with the letter B which rafe loves.

rafe’s high-low
low: lost senses and attacked

caleb’s high-low
high: slow build suspense
low: body torture

the scientist’s high-low
high: pure evil
low: dumb people

– if we run out of greek letters, how should we name hurricanes?
– what’s the best candy bar, and why is it anything other than an almond joy? also, why do the mini versions of kitkats taste better than the regular sized versions?
– why do the miniature reese’s seem to have more peanut butter than the regular ones?
– what’s the best way to leverage being killed by a sammich live on the internet into a subway sponsorship deal
– what was your favorite costume as a kid? and if you were to dress up as an adult what would your costume be?
– what was the last thing that scared you?
– what was the worst dream you had that you remember?
– best and worst candy to get while trick or treating?
– is it acceptable to love your grandkids and mickey mouse equally?
– have you ever been somewhere that gave you the creeps or caused you to experience something that you still can’t explain to this day? if so, what was it?
– if johnny cash was the man in black, would you be the man/woman in what color?
– best giant robot costume or stupid 80’s bullshit
– is the gate the greatest children’s horror film of all time?

MOVIE – SPOOKTACULAR sam rockwell in trolls world tour (2020) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6587640
caleb 3/10
rafe 3/10
the scientist 3/10
NEXT SONGS – tour war
of montreal – my british tour diary

NEXT MOVIE – miss pettigrew lives for a day (2008) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0970468)
NEXT SONGS – rafe is day and caleb is living

Sammy Surprise

caleb realtalks his hair. caleb talks health and the new health channel in the discord. a nail-biter, exciting finish to the next actor poll. what a ride! rafe and caleb’s next year or so is SET! rafe talks more about the weather and her plants, because that’s her whole dang life right now. she’s been watching more and more twitch, including daviga06, who may start playing ff7 soon! and more discord hangouts! LOTR and hobbit talk.

rafe’s high-low
high: signing with beaucoup
low: loud people & dishes

caleb’s high-low
high: uncle caleb
low: delivery woes

– does a barbecue by definition involve smoking meats or merely using a grill?
– what’s the #1 modern appliance you just can’t simply live without
– if you didn’t work, how late would you sleep?
– can I outsource being me for a few days?
– when was the last time you’ve used a crayon?
– why are manual transmissions with 13 gears fucking bullshit
– donkey kong ’94 on the game boy – sickest 2d mario for movement or not?
– which fruit-flavored candy do you enjoy the most?
– why does juicy fruit gum’s flavor only last 30 seconds?
– (inspired by Dani) concert/live music or recorded? why?

MOVIE – richard jewell (2019) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3513548)
caleb 8.5/10
rafe 7/10
SONGS – rafe gets dick, caleb gets jewels (sorry dani, no secrets)
mindless self indulgence – dickface

NEXT MOVIE – drop dead gorgeous (1990) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0157503)

JoJo Furybox

live #RaHaCa stuff happened!

we watched jojo rabbit with sam rockwell, had furybox as a guest, and talked a lot about high lows and final fantasy randomizer.

next week, we’ll be watching g.i. joe: rise of cobra. for songs, rafe will do rise and caleb will do cobra.

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